Thursday, December 31, 2020

2020 - A Year in Review

 It's time to take a look back at all of the scary things that happened this year.

Here are some of the highlights of 2020 on Scary Journey:
I confessed (once again) my addiction to Corn Nuts (they are so good!)
They play a lot of country music where I work
How certain songs get stuck in our head, like Da Ya Think I'm Sexy
How I use other names when placing orders
My dislike of our plastic plates
My birthday present this year (hint:  the computer has been moved)
Alex joined the Army National Guard
We entered a pandemic together
We survived the quarantine with a little count down
My family are napkin snobs
Added painter to my resume
We had to wear masks
Mask making became a career, for some people
I made a quarantine song list
We became bagel hoarders
My Clock Died during quarantine
I celebrate two easters
Bella finished 8th grade
I was able to buy a new clock online
Someone plays bagpipes in our neighborhood
We started celebrating weird National Days
Our bedroom clock is 17 minutes ahead (so we can do math in the middle of the night)
I'm secretly dating Elon Musk
I read all negative reviews on products first
I challenged you to a writing challenge
I started a career in mulch throwing 
I entertained you with some Karen stories
I increased my number of viewers on Netflix (shh!!  don't tell the kids!)
I survived 88 days in quarantine (and didn't kill anyone!)
Bella loves all music (just like me)
We learned new sayings like, Stay Safe and Social Distancing
My kids and spiders
My kids weird reaction with new things
Curly moved in with us
I got my big break and became a Walmart greeter
I created a playlist inspired by the songs they play at work.
My Girl Scout Troop received their Silver Award
I bought a new purse!
Finally able to have a date night and we can't eat out (Thanks a lot, Governor!)
I was a Target Employee for Halloween
We survived a never ending Presidential election (umm, is it over yet?)
I have a huge stockpile of Band Aids
My dislike of Election Signs
We found out that the common cold and flu have been cured

We learned a little about RT this year:
The effects of Cherry Juice 
The effects Coconut water has on him (or others)
How attached he became to his Sunflowers
The launch of his fence making business
His decision to go barefoot
His wallet issues
RT's obsession with ice cubes and ice cube making

And, we learned a lot about My Weird Dog:
Pippen made a new "friend" (the term used by the other dog owner)
Pippen got a new dog bed.  It took him 2 weeks  awhile to get used to it, but, he loves it now.
Pippen and I are a lot alike when it comes to new things
His Mommy clinginess
His weird eating habits
His future as a weather dog
He eats bird seed

We made some stuff:

And, sadly, we had a huge loss this year.  Miss you, Mom!

It's been 9 long  scary  frightening  wonderful years here on A Scary Journey.  Thanks for sticking around.  Let's hope 2021 is a little better!  Happy New Year everyone!


RT Wallet Update

Wanted to give a little update on RT's wallet situation. 

If you recall, RT was using a plastic bag as a wallet after the kayaking incident while on vacation.  You can read about that story here and here.   I forgot to mention how popular he became in the UP (Upper Peninsula).  The people at the coffee shop knew him as the "plastic bag wallet guy."  Honestly, I think the entire town knew him by that name.  We joked that they would ask him to be in their 4th of July parade.  He could be on a float holding his wallet.

Unfortunately, holes started forming on the plastic bag.  The holes got a little too big and RT had to abandon the plastic bag.  

Enter the large binder clip.

RT started using a large binder clip as a wallet.  It was great to see how creative he could be with what was available to him.  The binder clip was great until one day when he couldn't find his drivers license.  He spent a day or so searching the house, car, yard, etc.  He found his license and decided that he might have to take the plunge and purchase a wallet.  

Luckily, RT received a wallet for Christmas and was able to successfully transfer everything from the binder clip.  

I think things will start going back to normal now.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Fun National Days in January

I did a little research and found some fun holidays that we can celebrate next month.  I started this Fun National Days in the middle of the year and thought I would continue until I come full circle.  

Here is a look at some of January's Fun National Days:

January 3

National Drinking Straw Day

This is the day in 1888 that Marvin C. Stone received a patent for the drinking straw.  The first straws were used for drinking beer.  By using the straw they could avoid the solid byproducts of fermentation that might have sunk to the bottom.  Straws are now made in a wide variety of materials.  If using a straw today, please drink responsibly with a reusable straw!  (I'm looking at you, Patti!)

It's also

National Fruitcake Toss Day

It's time to get that first workout in of the year along with using up that lovely fruitcake that Aunt Martha gave you.  How to celebrate the day?  Gather your friends for a fruitcake toss competition.  Everyone must bring a fruitcake they received.  The one who hurls the fruitcake the farthest, wins.  Make sure to have hot cocoa and prizes on hand.

January 6

National Bean Day

Great day for Vegetarians and Vegans to celebrate.  Beans come in many sizes, shapes and colors and are a big source of protein.  I did a little digging and found that this holiday was started to honor Gregory Mendel, whose research of breeding pea plants is the basis of modern genetics.  How to celebrate today?  Try a new bean variety.  Try a new recipe with beans.   Suggestions:  Black Bean Brownies, Chocolate Chip Blondies or Black Bean Protein Bites.


January 8

National JoyGerm Day

Today is a reminder that positivity and kindness to others can influence others to pass along that positive attitude.  Laugh, smile and spread some joy today!

January 11

National Clean Off Your Desk Day

Good, because my desk is a total mess!

January 14

National Dress Up Your Pet Day

Pippen!  Where are you?  

January 16

National Nothing Day

It's just that.  Nothing.  A day set aside with nothing to celebrate.  You can celebrate by, well, doing nothing.  Put nothing in a glass and use it as a centerpiece.  Write nothing in your diary for today.  Send an email with nothing in it to your friends and family.  When asked, "What are your plans for the day?" You can reply, "Nothing."  In fact, "Nothing" can be your response to everything today.

January 19

National Popcorn Day

Sweet? Savory? Buttered or plain?  Caramelized?  With nuts or chocolate?  I will definitely be celebrating with some lightly salted popcorn.  How about you?

January 20

National Cheese Lover's Day

A day set aside for RT to enjoy various cheeses.  If one day is not enough for you, look for 

Feb. 10 Cream Cheese Brownie Day
March 5 Cheese Doodle Day
April 12 Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day
May 18  Cheese Souffle Day
June 4 Cheese Day
July 30  Cheesecake Day
August  Goat Cheese Month 
September 20  String Cheese Day
October 9 Moldy Cheese Day
November 6  Nachos Day
December 20 Sangria Day (wine and cheese always go together!)

January 21

National Hugging Day

Hugging releases oxytocin, a feel good hormone.  Hugs can reduce stress, ease anxiety and lower blood pressure.  Hugs and touch also improve our sleep. This day is set aside to help everyone to show more emotion in public.  The only way to celebrate is to offer a hug to someone.

It's also 

National Get to Know Your Customer Day

Umm.  I work retail and I know too many Karen's already.  How about getting to know the retail employees instead?

January 23

National Handwriting Day

A day set aside for us to put pen to paper and write down our thoughts.  Sure, using technology is a lot faster, but, the art of putting pen to paper is very tactile and requires patience.  It forces the mind to slow down.  Ways to celebrate today?  Write in a journal.  Write out your "To Do" list.  Write a short note (or letter) to someone.  Work on your handwriting skills.

January 24

National Compliment Day

What a great way to brighten someone's day!  A compliment boosts the receiver's mood and also shows them that the giver noticed them.   How to celebrate the day?  Take the time to reflect on what you admire about that person.  Give out compliments.  Make a list of different ways to compliment others.

It's also

National Peanut Butter Day

Hint, Hint, Uncle Steve.

January 25 

National Opposite Day

Hello!  Or is it Good Bye?  Am I cold?  Or, maybe I'm hot?  Have fun today doing the opposite of what you say or mean.  Breakfast for dinner and dinner for breakfast?  

January 26

National Spouses Day

A day to celebrate the bond between you and your loved one.  A day to appreciate all that your spouse has put up with over the years.  A day to show gratitude for putting up with your random water glasses strewn about the house.  For putting up with me and my weird dog.  How to celebrate?  Spend some time with the one you love.  I'm sure RT will just love more time with me and my water glasses. 

January 31

National Hot Chocolate Day

It's probably pretty cold outside today which makes it a great day for a cup of hot chocolate.  

It's also

yaD drawkcaB lanoitaN

A day to reverse our ways, our direction or maybe just our shirt.  How to observe the day?  Go out the back door.  Have dinner for breakfast (or vice versa).  Add coffee to your milk.  Write your name backward.  Wear your shirt backward.  Read a book starting with the last page.

The Flu

It's a miracle!  The Flu has been cured! 

After years of being bombarded with a HUGE push to get the flu shot, it looks like it must have worked.  There is no more flu!

Ever since I can remember, OK, maybe not that long, how about, for the last 20 years?  starting in October, there was a push for people to get their flu shot.  Some stores even offered the shot for free.  It wasn't a guarantee that you wouldn't get the flu, just a precaution against some of the strands of flu that were out there at the time.  People lined up to get their flu shot before winter started.  I remember years where they ran out and had to turn people away.  Because of the depletion, they increased the amount made and have not run out again.

This year COVID-19 was introduced.  All focus has been on how to stop the spread of this virus.  In October, there was no push to get a flu shot.   No one mentions the flu or even the common cold.  It's as if both of these have been miraculously cured.  

The CDC website confirms that flu activity is low at this time.  It also states that a pandemic is going on.

Last year, the United States had 38,000,000 (yes, 38 Million) people who had flu symptoms.  This year, we have 18,000,000 (18 million) who have tested positive for COVID-19.  Wow, according to those numbers, we must have really kicked the flu in the a$$.

Due to inflated numbers by some states for Covid for financial gain, I'm not going to list the number of deaths.   It is interesting, though that the number of people with other conditions, for example, heart disease, cancer and diabetes is a lot lower this year.  

Kicking the flu to the curb....I guess we can say something good came out of 2020.

*Coronavirus is a type of airborne virus that causes acute respiratory illness.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

National Thank You Note Day

 As I always say (or write), people love getting handwritten letters and notes in the mail.  It's always the first thing someone reads when they bring in the mail.  I would rather read a letter from a friend or family member before diving into the bills. 

Sure, it's easy to send off an email or a quick text to thank Aunt Sally for the ugly Christmas sweater.  But, Aunt Sally would much rather receive a nice handwritten Thank You note in the mail from you.

Today is National Thank You Note Day! 

I'm unable to find out how or why this day was started.  Some say it was created because of all the presents people received on Christmas Day.  I, on the other hand, believe it was started by my Mother, The Queen of Thank You Note writing.

I remember being called down to the kitchen a couple days after Christmas.  On the table there were three place settings.  At each spot there was a sheet of paper with list of names and gifts that they gave,  and a pen.  In the center of the table there was a stack of Thank You note cards, stamps and an address book.  You had to find your spot at the table.  The rules?  Write a Thank You note to everyone on the list, address and stamp the envelope.  Oh, and you can't leave the table until you are finished.

My Mom never taught us how to write a Thank You note.  My brothers would hurry, scribble some stuff and leave the table.  I would be stuck there for hours asking my relatives how their dog is doing and trying to figure out how to nicely thank someone for the gift they gave me  (money is always difficult to thank people for).

If you do participate today, and I hope you will, you can use #NationalThankYouNoteDay on social media.

If you need any tips on Thank You Note writing, I'd love to help, especially if you want to know how the family dog is getting along.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas!

 "Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night.  And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid.  Then the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people.  For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.  And this will be the sign to you:  You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger."

And suddenly, there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying:  "Glory to God in the highest, And on earth, Peace, goodwill toward men!"  Luke 2:8-14

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

International Tea Day

This is going to be a HUGE holiday celebration in our house today.  Tea for everyone!

International Tea Day has been celebrated on December 15 since 2005* in tea producing countries like Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Kenya, Malaysia and India (just to name a few).  It was started so they could draw attention to global tea trade and the impact on workers and growers with the hopes for price support and fair trade. 

*2005 is very fitting for the origination of this holiday.  That is the year that Bella was born which is probably why she is a huge tea aficionado?

How can you celebrate International Tea Day

Start by having a cup of tea.  

Try your tea hot or on the rocks (iced)

Try a new brand or flavor of tea

Have a tea party

Do a little research on tea brands that support fair trade and switch to their brand.  Or try out one of their fair trade teas.

Oh, and don't forget to post to social media.  You can use #InternationalTeaDay to help recognize the day and to educate others about the tea industry.

I'll make sure I mark this date on our calendar for next year.  I know I won't want to miss out!


Monday, December 7, 2020

National Letter Writing Day

My Dearest Reader,
It has been so long since we last wrote,  so I thought I would pen a letter to you since today is National Letter Writing Day.   For hundreds of years, letter writing was the only way to communicate with one another.  Of course, along came the telephone, and then the internet and finally the smartphone.   If I need to tell you something, I can just text you.  Or, if it's too long, I can send it to you an email.  But, that feeling sitting down and writing you a letter is just something so special.  I do hope that you agree.  Please write back soon.  Love, Me.

Hand writing a letter makes you stop and think before you put pen to paper.  You don't have that easy back space key to erase any mistakes.  It also gives you a chance to practice your cursive handwriting.  Some schools don't teach cursive handwriting.  Instead they opt to teach typing on the keyboard.    

Letter writing gives you a way to connect personally with an individual.  Your letter has their undivided attention.  It's a great way to make a connection with another person.

Oh, and you get to use pretty paper and fun pens to write you letter.  You had me at fun pens.  Who doesn't like fun pens?

How to celebrate today?

Purchase some new stationary.  Or, better yet, dig out that pretty paper you have hiding in the bottom of your desk drawer.

Write a letter.   You can write a friend or relative or even a congressman/woman.  

Don't forget to decorate the envelope.  A wax seal?  Stickers?  

And, of course, a festive stamp.

So, make a pot of tea and start writing some letters!

Sunday, December 6, 2020

St. Nicholas Day

 There are many stories about the life of St. Nicholas.  I found my information here.  The following is a quick summary.  Click on the link to read more details. 

St. Nicholas came from a wealthy family.  His parents died when he was very young.  He grew up in his faith and strongly believed to give to the poor.  He became Bishop and was know for his generosity, love of children and concern for sailors.  Under the Roman Empire he was persecuted for his faith.  He went to prison.  He was released and died on December 6.  The anniversary of his death became a celebration known as St. Nicholas Day.

There are many variations of the story of St. Nicholas. He gave money for three poor girls dowries, he helped children, gave to the poor. Do a little research.  You will even see how Santa Claus evolved. 

My children are older and they still make sure that their shoes are placed by the front door for St. Nicholas visit.  

Do you have any special traditions you do with your family during the holidays?

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Pfeffernusse Cookies

 I read about these cookies while I was writing about December's National Days and had to find a recipe so I could try them.  I mean, they have a national day named after them so they must be good, right?  I did a little research and found these cookies to be similar to Ginger Cookies.   The only difference is the addition of pepper, cardamom and anise.  

I made a batch for research purposes so I could say that I have tried Pfeffernusse cookies.   I'm a big fan of anise, so, I was quite excited to see how that comes into play.  I have to admit, I was a little nervous about all of the pepper.  One bite and, oh, I was in heaven.  The anise comes through while the pepper and cardamom seem to separate the other flavors.  

Besides being tasty, the name, Pfeffernusse, is fun to say.  Go ahead and say it.  Pfefferusse.  Make the cookies just so you can say the name!

Here's the recipe:

Pfeffernusse Cookies

1/2 cup softened butter
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup molasses
1 egg
2 1/4 cups flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp anise seeds, finely crushed*
1/2 tsp ground black pepper
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
1/4 tsp ground allspice
1/8 tsp ground cardamom
1/8 tsp ground cloves
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar

Combine butter, brown sugar and molasses in large bowl.  Beat until smooth.  Add egg and beat until combined.  
In separate bowl, whisk flour, baking soda and all of the spices.  Slowly add dry ingredients to wet ingredients.
Chill dough in the refrigerator for an hour.
Oven 350F.
Scoop 1 TBSP of cookie dough and roll into ball.  Place balls on baking sheet lined with parchment paper (or silicone mat).
Bake 13 minutes or until firm to touch.
Remove from oven and let cool on sheet for three minutes.
Put powdered sugar into container with lid.  Place a few cookies in the container, cover with lid and gently shake until cookies are coated.  
Let coated cookies cool completely before storing in an airtight container.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* I used anise oil and they came out wonderfully

These can be made early and put in the freezer for up to three weeks.  You can make these cookies now, freeze them and then enjoy them on National Pfeffernusse Cookie Day on December 23.

I found my recipe for Pfeffernusse cookies here.  

If you make Pfeffernusse Cookies, let me know what you think!


Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Christmas Crafts and Holiday Gifts

It's that crazy time of year again!  

Snow.  Holiday Parties.  Snow.  Crafts.  Gifts.  Gift wrapping.  Snow.  Cookie making.  Hot Chocolate.  Sledding.  And, more snow!

I thought I would make your life a little easier and put some links up from my blog to some easy Holiday Crafts and Gifts that you can make yourself, with kids or even a Girl Scout Troop.

Here we go:

Animal Ornaments 
Brazilian Holiday Flower  (great children's craft)
Candy Cane Sleigh 
Christmas Cards and tags
Felt Heart Ornament 
Foam Gingerbread House  (children's craft)
Foam Ornament Gift Tag 
Jingle Bell Bracelet (children's craft)
Mitten Gift Tags 
Mosaic Christmas Tree (children's craft)
Picture Frame
Snowman Ornament 
Stocking (out of construction paper) (children's craft)
Winter Scene (children's craft)
Snowman Ornament
Snowman Winter Craft (children and adult craft)

Ugly Christmas Sweater Felt Banner

Homemade Bubbles
Bath Bombs

Laundry Detergent (powder)
Homemade Hair Detangler
Homemade Liquid Hand Soap
Homemade Lip Balm
Homemade Lotion

Miscellaneous Crafts/Gifts
Bangle Bracelet (wrapped)
Blank Books 
Bubbles (homemade)
Book Mark
Bottle cap necklace
Cork Board using Old Picture Frame
Decorative Wrapping Paper 
Dryer Balls
Fun Scrapbooks
Gift Box
Paint Chip Monthly Calendar
Pumpkin Soap Recipe
Twine Napkin Holders 
Note cards  
Homemade Sidewalk Paint 
Sit upon (a cushion to sit on)
Wrapped Bangle Bracelet

Don't forget to make some cookies this season.  They go great with hot chocolate!  (They go great with everything!)  Here are some links to cookies that appear on the blog:

Butterscotch Chip Cookies
Avocado Chocolate Cookies
Chocolate Chip Blondies
Chocolate Chip Blondies (vegan)
Chocolate Chip Chokies (Mom's famous recipe)
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Deep Dish Cookie Pie
M & M Cookies
Nutella Cookies 1
Nutella Cookies 2
Peanut Butter Bars
Peanut Butter Raisin Bran Cookies
Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies
Sugar Cookies
Vanilla Pudding Cookies

My favorite cookies are the pumpkin cookies and the M & M cookies.  

Monday, November 30, 2020

Fun National Days in December

It's almost December!  Below are some interesting National Holidays that I thought we could celebrate this month.  Let me know what you think.

December 1  

National Pie Day

Who doesn't like pie?  Apple pie, pumpkin pie, blueberry pie.  Strawberry rhubarb is my favorite!

It's also

National Eat a Red Apple Day

This day encourages everyone to eat a red apple.  You remember that old saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."  Today is a great day to put that to the test.   How to observe the day?  Well, You can start by grabbing a red apple!  

December 2

National Mutt Day

A day to celebrate My Weird Dog  Pippen  mixed breed dogs.  Today is a great day to visit a shelter or rescue and adopt a dog.  If you already have a mutt, give him some extra love today.  Oh and don't forget to celebrate by posting on social media #nationalmuttday.  

December 5

National Bathtub Party Day

This day encourages us to skip the shower and relax and enjoy a good soak in the tub.  Add some suds and pamper yourself!  Bathtub party sounds like more people are involved.  Well, that's what I thought when I heard about the holiday.  I remember plopping two boys in the tub for a bath.  That was always a party for them.    How to celebrate today?  Grab yourself a glass of  wine, a good book and a nice bath bomb and relax in the tub.  Extra people in the tub is optional.

December 8

National Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day

This one sounded interesting.  Here is the original blog post that started it all.  Which will you be?  From the future or a traveler from the past?  

December 12

National Ding a Ling Day

This holiday encourages us to get in touch with people we once talked to often.  This was actually started by Franky Hyle from Melrose Park, IL in 1972.  Hyle was discussing with his friends on how they should be friendlier and get in touch with friends and relatives they haven't heard from in awhile. The term, "ding a ling"  came up in their conversation.  They looked it up and found the meaning was, "One who hears bells in their head."  From this a tradition was born.  To celebrate, pick up the phone and call someone you haven't seen or spoken to in awhile.  I bet they would love to hear from you!

December 13

National Guard Birthday

The National Guard, a component of the United States Army, is composed of soldiers who work and/or attend school.  At the same time, they are called to provide support and protection for that states civilians or to be called for military operations for the country.  On this date in 1636 the first militia regiments were organized in Massachusetts.  They are referred to being one of the oldest units in the US Military.

December 15

National Wear Your Pearls Day

This day is a reminder of when life throws dirt your way, we all have value in the end.   The result of one irritating grain of sand causes a pearl to form.  Just like pearls, people and the kinds of trials thrown into our lives come in many shapes and sizes.  Remember when life throws a little dirt your way that you have value.  How to celebrate?  Bring out those pearls (real or fake) and put them on.  I know Bella will be celebrating today.

December 17

National Re-Gifting Day

Yes.  There is a day to get rid of those unwanted gifts you have received over the years.  Today is the day.  Held the Thursday before Christmas, because that is when most office parties are held and 40% of those gifts are re-gifted.  I'm not sure how this will all play out this year with people at home.  Maybe you can drop off your gifts on people's door steps?

December 18

National Answer the Telephone Like Buddy the Elf Day

"Buddy the Elf, What's your favorite color?"  I know I will be participating today.  How about you?

It's also

National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day

Perfect day to put on that sweater that Aunt Martha gave you for Christmas last year.  Don't have one?  If you need some ideas on how to make one, click here and here.

December 20

National Sangria Day

I don't think we need an explanation or a reason.  I mean, you are getting your share of fresh fruit in every glass.  

December 21

National Crossword Day

I love doing crosswords (and sudoku).  It's a sore subject with RT, but, today I have a reason to do crossword puzzles.  

It's also

National Humbug Day

Today we recognize the Ebenezer's, scrooges and grinches who suck the joy out of the holiday season.  This day is also set aside for those that are tired of the hustle and bustle of the season and just need a moment (or day) to let out a few "Bah Humbugs."  


National Flashlight Day

Or as Nick would say, Flash a light.  Today is a celebration of the Winter Solstice and reminds us to turn on some lights during the shortest day of the year.

December 23

National Pfeffernusse Day

A Pfeffernusse is a German spice cookie made of ground nuts and spices and covered in powdered sugar.  I have never tried a Pfeffernusse cookie, but, I am thinking I will have to find a recipe and share it with everyone.  Stay tuned.  

oh, and for those Seinfeld fans, it's


Invented by Frank Costanza, in response to the commercialism of Christmas.  It has the catchy slogan, "A Festivus for the rest of us."  This holiday contains the aluminum pole, a nice dinner, a time for everyone to Air their Grievances, Feats of Strength (where the head of household must be pinned or it will result in perpetual Festivus) and the Festivus Miracle.  

December 26

National Whiner's Day

A day to let us complain about roughly anything.  You can whine about being too tired, overeating, cleaning up or going back to work.  Hey, you can complain about COVID, Quarantine or even the election!  There are some rules, though.  You can't complain about what you did not get for Christmas or what you do not have and, most importantly, that you should remember what you do have.

December 27

National Fruitcake Day

Who has that fruitcake anyway? 

December 29

National Hero Day

A day to honor the person and or people that we look up to and that inspire us to be the best person that we can be.  Heroes come in many forms.  They rescue us, inspire us and most importantly, they believe in us.

It's also

National Tick Tock Day

No.  This doesn't refer to making videos on the app Tik Tok.   This day reminds us to address any unfinished business before the end of the year.  

December 30

National Bacon Day

Because Bacon.

December 31

National Make Up Your Mind Day

Quit wavering, take a side, make a decision and stick to it.  

Friday, November 27, 2020

Black Friday

 It's Black Friday!  Time to exercise your credit cards -  Push them to the limit folks!  And, get in a big workout trying to snag that big screen TV before someone else grabs it.

Oh, yea, and it's also time for my famous  usual Black Friday post.  

The day after Thanksgiving is known as Black Friday and it is the biggest shopping day of the year.  For retailers, it marks the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. 

For those of us that are out there working on Black Friday, it's a crazy, long and tiring day.  Make sure you take those vitamins, drink lots of water, plaster a smile on your face and, well, just try to have some fun.

If you are out there shopping, it can get crazy, so, try to be safe.  Also, be nice to the store employees.  They don't make the rules or have any control over the amount of inventory the store has of that item you want to purchase.  So, go easy on them!

I'm not exactly sure how the day will go with the whole pandemic, face masks, germs and social distancing.  This should be interesting.

And now, what everyone has been waiting for, here is my famous Black Friday song playlist for your  listening pleasure:

Man in Black - Johnny Cash
Paint it Black - The Rolling Stones
Back in Black - AC/DC
Black Cat - Janet Jackson
Black Magic Woman - Santana
Black or White - Michael Jackson
Black Widow - Iggy Azalea
Black Hole Sun - Soundgarden
Black - Pearl Jam
Blackbird - The Beatles
Black Betty - Ram Jam
Black Gold - Soul Asylum
Men in Black 3 Back in Time - Pitbull
Black Night - Deep Purple
Black Rain - Soundgarden
The Long Black Veil - Johnny Cash
Ebony and Ivory - Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder
Black Dog - Led Zeppelin
Black Velvet - Alannah Miles
Black Water - The Doobie Brothers
Men in Black - Will Smith
Blue on Black - Five Finger Death Punch

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving!

 In the year 1621, the Pilgrims held their first Thanksgiving feast.  They invited the great Indian chief, Massasoit, who brought ninety of his brave Indians and a great abundance of food.  Governor Bradford and Captain Miles Standish were honored guests.  Elder William Brewster, who was a minister, said a prayer that went something like this;

"We thank God for our homes and our food and our safety in a new land.  We thank God for the opportunity to create a new world for freedom and justice."

Linus Van Pelt
A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

The Ice Cubes

I have several posts about ice cubes and ice cube trays.  You can read about how to make ice, how the kids forgot how to make ice and RT's impatience and possible YouTube tutorial on the subject.  I guess I'm here to say that none of the ice tutorials have worked in our family.

The other day RT went to get some ice and it started all over again.  

"Am I the only one who makes ice around here?"
"It isn't that difficult to make ice!"  
"If you see that the ice is getting low, empty the trays, refill them with water and place them back in the freezer!  It's that easy!"  

I happened to be sitting in the dining room enjoying a glass of water (without ice).  I had to chime in and mention that I have not been using ice.  Luckily my Yeti keeps my water nice and cold (thanks, Nick!).  There is only one other person in this house and she uses quite a bit of ice.  

When I come home from work, RT is in the kitchen filling up the ice cube trays.  I have to admit, I think he does it more than anyone else in this house.  Since I don't use that much ice I don't fill the trays as often.  And, if you ask Bella  the other person living in our house, she will tell you that she always fills the ice cube trays.

"I'm going to get a video camera to see who is using all of the ice."  
"You are going to have to sign out every cube of ice that you take from the freezer."

I use one cube a day to water a plant in our kitchen.  That was in the care instructions for the plant.  I was told that I will now have to sign for each ice cube that I take out for my plant. 

I'm all for being accountable for our ice usage, pitching in and filling trays.  I think all residents of this household every family member should jump in and help out with the strenuous activity of ice cube making.   Unfortunately the burden work to keep the ice box full has fallen upon one person.

I think I might have to push RT to make that YouTube instructional video.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Greetings from My job as a WalMart Greeter Wannabe

Things that I notice while being "the World's Best WalMart Greeter."

Apparently our numbers were low in this area and in order to step it up they now place a person by the front doors whose sole purpose is to greet customers.  Some people respond in kind, while others ignore the greeter.  There are happy shoppers and crabby shoppers.  I'm not sure why the latter even enter the store.  If you are crabby, just stay home.  

When I am greeting, I find that I am invisible to some until I am needed.  Shoppers that ignore me when entering the store, will suddenly find my existence me and ask me for assistance.   

Customers use hand sanitizer like it's lotion.  We have a big bottle by the front of the store that customers can use upon entering or leaving the store.  Some will sanitize their hands and then do it again.  I have had people sanitize their hands three or four times.

This pandemic took away brain cells.  I have customers using the exit as an entrance.  It's pretty safe to say the entrance is to the right for most stores.  When my children were little and could not read, I taught them that green means go and red means stop.  There are stickers on the doors at retail establishments that are red (do not enter) or green (enter).  

Along with brain cells, the pandemic stole people's ability to talk or communicate.  I will say "Good Morning," or "Hello"  to a customer entering the store and will hear a grunt in response.  It's almost like I am talking to teenagers.  This skill on how to talk with humans might have to be relearned for some people.

I think it's pretty safe to say that this whole virus situation has taken a toll on everyone.  I seem to have listed quite a few negative situations.  I am happy to report that there are positives to being the greeter.

I do get some fun customers.   Why not have some fun while I'm up there?

As a customer leaves, I will thank them for visiting our store.  Sometimes a customer will tell me, "Oh, I'll be right back."  When they return, I'll say, "You came back!  We missed you!"

One guy came in and I said hello.  He replied, "I'm sorry.  No kissing.  There's a pandemic going on."  

Sometimes older men ask me for help locating their wife.  I always tell them to seize this opportunity and run.  Unfortunately, the wife has the car keys so, we start our search through the store.

My Dad taught me to make the best of situations and, as you can see, it has definitely come in handy when I'm at work.  I'm grateful for inheriting my Dad's great sense of humor.  It certainly has helped me survive working retail.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Vegan Diaries - Baked Falafel

I love a good falafel.  

When I wanted falafel, I'm ashamed to say this, but, I used a box mix.   I know, I know.  I figured it was quick and a lot easier than trying to make it from scratch.  Just add some water, mix, form and bake, right?

Boy was I wrong!
I searched high and low and I found this recipe here.  I have to admit, I was a little nervous.  The recipe is pretty basic, and I like that they are baked.  I understand most falafel is fried.  I have tried frying my falafel and feel like a) it's messy and b) it's a lot heavier in your stomach.  I started baking my falafel and noticed a difference.  Not as oily and a lot lighter in my stomach.  I also like that this recipe uses canned chick peas, making the recipe easy to whip up anytime.

OK, enough talk.  Let's get to baking some falafel!  

Here's the recipe:

Baked Falafel
2 cans chick peas, drain and rinse
1/2 cup grated cauliflower
1 TBSP ground chia seeds
1 tsp turmeric 
2 tsp curry powder
1/4 tsp paprika
1 tsp salt
pepper to taste
1 small onion, finely chopped
2-3 garlic cloves, minced
3 TBSP water
some fresh parsley leaves

In food processor, put chick peas, chia seeds, cauliflower, spices, salt, pepper, onion and garlic and process until you have fine crumbs.  Scrape sides so there are no large chunks.
Add water and parsley and process again until batter like.  Let sit for 5 minutes so the chia seeds can absorb water.
Line baking sheets with parchment or silicone baking mats.  Shape batter into falafel balls using your hands.  Place on baking sheet and bake at 375F for 25 minutes.  
Let cook a little so flavors set.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

If you try the Baked Falafel, let me know what you think in the comments below.


Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Chalk Wars

 I spend my morning enjoying a nice long walk.  It's a great way to enjoy nature and work out everything in my head (which is a lot).  Some side benefits:  It can be relaxing and peaceful and sometimes quite entertaining.

I was walking on my usual route when I noticed some writing on the path.  I do enjoy chalk art and always show respect and step around it.  This was a little different.  Someone was disappointed with the elections turnout and took up their chalk to tell everyone in the neighborhood.  All of their messages referred to the status of the election.  This person was pro Trump.  I was entertained in reading their messages.  They were spread out on the paths so I was able to read a little here and there as I got my morning exercise.  

I went home and told RT about the chalk messages.  I guess the election results have been on everyone's mind.  I didn't expect it to be something I would read about while taking a walk around the neighborhood.

The next day, I took the same route and noticed that someone else took up their chalk and replied to the previous days messages.  This person was on the opposite side (pro Biden).  It was almost like going back and checking a social media post to see all of the replies.  I found it interesting that they were arguing through chalk writings.  I didn't realize that chalk could be a bullying tool.  And, it was obviously adults that were participating.

The next day was uneventful because it rained and erased the posts  messages.

I still am on the lookout for more chalk posts.  Unfortunately, the weather has cooled off quite a bit.  Possibly too cold for our chalk bullies  people.

Friday, November 13, 2020

World Kindness Day

 World Kindness Day is an international holiday that was started back in 1998.  It is a day dedicated to large and small acts of kindness to bring us all together.  The World Kindness Movement states that the purpose of this day is to "highlight good deeds in the community" and to focus "on the positive power and the common thread of kindness which binds us."

If you've been following my blog for awhile, you know that I'm BIG on Kindness and  have many posts dedicated to Random Acts of Kindness.  It's great that we have a day dedicated to Kindness and being kind to one another.  I just don't understand why we can't do this everyday?  This should be a normal, daily thing for all of us.  There really is no reason not to be kind.

Did you know that people who are constantly kind produce less cortisol (the stress hormone) and age slower than the rest of the population?  Another reason to be kind to others!

How can you celebrate World Kindness Day?

Do three Random Acts of Kindness today.  Smile at someone, give compliments, hold the door open for someone.

Hug your loved ones and friends.

Write a love poem to yourself and read it aloud.  (You should be kind to yourself today, too)

If you need some other ideas, you can find more on this post or you can search "kindness" on the blog.

Here are some Ways to make Kindness a norm in your everyday life, taken from :

1.  Send an uplifting text to a friend
2.  Let that car merge in front of you with a smile and a wave.
3.  Go out of your way once a day to make someone smile
4.  Compliment a friend or coworker
5.  Reach out to a family member you haven't spoken to in awhile
6.  Treat someone to a cup of coffee or tea (friend, coworker, stranger or even yourself)
7.  Add intentional moments of kindness, laughter and delight to your everyday routine

Don't forget to post your support of kindness on social media today by using #worldkindnessday

Have fun today!

Wednesday, November 11, 2020


Just a few musings on wearing face masks.

Who would have thought that our ears would be rock stars?  Normally we use them to hear.  Maybe hold our glasses or sunglasses.  They have also been used to hold in ear buds so we can listen to music or phone calls without bothering our neighbor.  Who would have thought the ears would be relied on to hold up a a piece of cloth on our face during a pandemic?

We learned that face masks are great for masking bad breath (go ahead and eat a whole head of garlic!).  They provide a decent barrier against bad odors, which makes them great to use while in public restrooms and port-o-potties.  They also make a great covering if you happen to yawn while someone is talking to you.  You can even stick out your tongue at people under your mask.

When a face covering was first mandated, we had the boring clinical masks, along with the disposable masks.  Along came the home made masks.  Once it was decided these face coverings weren't going away for awhile, they became available for purchase from, well, everyone and everywhere.  Trendy masks were made, so you can match your outfit or make a fashion statement.  Making masks turned into a money maker for some people.  Who would have thought you could turn mask making into a career?

Face masks became a way of communication to other people.  Words started to appear on them.  Things like, "Black Lives Matter," and "VOTE" appeared on masks.

I have a feeling we are going to be wearing face coverings for a while longer.  It doesn't matter if they match your outfit or you are using them as a way to communicate with others.  I say you go with comfort when making your choice. 

Monday, November 9, 2020

Election Signs

 When you run for any office, it is imperative that you purchase and display hundreds  thousands, millions  annoying  election signs.  This gets your name out there and helps people decide to vote for you.  I mean, think about it, how many times have you been at a traffic light and you look over and see an election sign and you say to yourself, "I think I am going to vote for that person."

There are always millions of election signs at the polling place.  I guess that display is for those people that arrive at the polls, see the sign and then decide to vote for that candidate.

The signs all have the same design.  Maybe a line of color and the candidates name in black.  I'm not sure how they decide on the color.  Maybe there is a campaign designer that sits down with the candidate and they select one together.  Personally, I think they should add something more than the color rectangle on the sign to get the voters attention.  An arrow?  A star? A flag? Maybe a bulls eye?  How about the Jolly Roger?

Campaign signs litter the side of the roads for a few months out of the year.  And, if you are lucky, the candidate or their team will forget to pick one (or several) up and you will get to see their sign all year long!

I'm not sure who is with me on this one, but, I can't stand seeing the signs littering the roads.  I look forward to the post election time when all of the signs are picked up.  I think we should be able to vote after the signs are picked up.  If you are willing to clean up after yourself  all of your campaign mess, then I'm willing to vote for you. 

Sunday, November 8, 2020

National Harvey Wallbanger Day

 Happy Harvey Wallbanger Day!

I wanted to make sure that everyone out there is celebrating today with me.  Of course, I'm starting early this morning, so I might be a few drinks ahead of you.

A Harvey Wallbanger is a fruity cocktail made with vodka, Galliano and orange juice.    It's basically a screw driver, but, a little fruitier.  Galliano is an Italian liqueur that contains Juniper, Anise, Mint and Vanilla.  If you are unable to locate Galliano, you can always substitute Kahlua, Triple Sec or peppermint Schnapps. 

Harvey Wallbangers originated in the sixties.  The story behind the drink goes something like this:  A bartender named Donato Antone created the drink and served it at a party.  The one person remaining after the party, Harvey, was banging his head against the wall.  There are a couple other stories floating around, but, I like that one the best.  The drink made it's debut to the rest of the world in 1968.  Galliano used Harvey in their marketing campaign in 1969 with, "Harvey Wallbanger is the name and I can be made."  The drink's name also became a metaphor to describe someone who goofs off or makes mistakes.  Harvey Wallbanger was also a frequent write in vote during elections.  We could have used that information before this last election!

How can you observe Harvey Wallbanger Day?  Meet your friends at your local hang out and order a Harvey Wallbanger and toast good ol' Harvey (just don't be the one banging your head on the wall at the end of the night).  You can use #HarveyWallbangerDay when posting on social media.

How to make the perfect Harvey Wallbanger? 
1.5 oz Vodka
4 oz Orange juice
.5oz Galliano
cherry or orange slice for garnish

Mix vodka and orange juice.  Pour Galliano on top and don't mix it in the drink (you can pour over a spoon).  Garnish with cherry or orange and serve.


Saturday, November 7, 2020


 I just wanted to thank you for your prayers and understanding during my search for a new purse.   I am happy to announce that I have found (and purchased) a purse.   

Friday, November 6, 2020

Halloween Candy Dessert

 Wondering what to do with all of that leftover candy from Halloween?  You can make these Halloween Candy Cupcakes,  eat the extra candy (that is what RT is planning on doing),  or you could make this Halloween Candy Dessert.

I put RT in charge of Halloween candy this year.  He purchased (several) extra bags of his favorite candy this year.  We didn't have a huge Trick or Treater turn out this year, so, instead of returning the unused bags of candy or donating the unopened bags of candy, RT has squirrelled them away.  Every once in awhile I catch him snacking on candy bars.  

I found this recipe here and stole a few of RT's candy bars (don't tell him!) and decided to make this dessert in our cast iron skillet.   The cookie was very tasty.  I did make the mistake of leaving the cookie in the oven for 35 minutes which resulted in a dry cookie.  I would suggest checking your cookie at 25 minutes. 

Here's the recipe:

Halloween Candy Dessert

1 cup butter, room temperature
coconut oil, to grease the cast iron skillet
3 cups flour
1 TBSP baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup brown sugar
3 eggs at room temperature
2 tsp vanilla
2 cups chopped candy (chocolate bars, M&M's, etc.)
1 tsp sea salt

Oven 350F.  Grease cast iron skillet with coconut oil
Whisk flour, baking powder and salt in bowl.  Set aside.
In separate bowl, cream butter and sugars.  Add eggs one at a time.  Then beat in vanilla.
Add flour mixture to liquid mixture and mix until the dough comes together.  Mix in chopped candy.
Scrape the dough into the skillet and sprinkle with sea salt.  Now is the time to add extra chopped pieces of candy to the top of the cookie.
Bake for 30 minutes.  Cookie should be slightly underdone in the center.  
Remove from oven and allow to cool for 10 minutes before serving.

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

I lowered the amounts of sugar.  If you feel you need more sugar, you can look at the original recipe.
Feel free to grease your skillet with butter (or oil of choice).
This would make a great birthday cookie/cake.  You can serve it with ice cream.


Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Band Aid

A band aid is an adhesive covering with gauze in center to cover wounds.

Our family has an interesting history with band aids.  When Nick was little, he refused to wear band aids.  I remember purchasing Blues Clues band aids (Blues Clues was his favorite television show) thinking that would help.  He was excited about the band aids, but still refused to wear one.  I'm not sure if he was afraid of them, but, when I pulled them out, he would scream louder.

I don't recall Alex using many band aids.  I do recall the many bruises that he inflicted on others (mainly me).

Bella used band aids as a fashion accessory.  We purchased and used many colorful band aids during her childhood.  I believe there were very few that were necessary.

I always forgot to pack band aids when we went on vacation.  There were several vacations where we needed some and ended up buying a large box, even though I begged to purchase the small trial or sample size box.  RT would tell me that we will eventually use them.

Recently, I had a mole removed and had to keep it covered for over a week.  I went to get a band aid and was overwhelmed with boxes and boxes of band aids. Many were purchased and quite a few were inherited.  When I say many boxes, we had 8 or 9 boxes on hand.  I don't think one person can use that many band aids in their lifetime.

I was able to condense the band aids to 4 boxes.  I have put together a small selection for travel.  I am still looking at several lifetimes of band aids.

If you need a band aid, let me know.  I'm sure I can provide one (or three).

Monday, November 2, 2020


Election Day is almost here.   Unless you have been living under a rock, I'm sure you were aware of this information.

Advertisements and articles about voting have been placed everywhere on social media, television and in news articles.

I noticed that there is a, "plan your vote."  I did not realize that I needed to make a plan.   I can see doing a little research of the candidates that are running for office and a review of any bills or amendments that are being proposed.  Otherwise, I thought going to the poll and voting was my plan.  

I also noticed that they are showing a, "How to vote."

Hmm..  get in the car.  Drive to my polling place.  Hop into line.  Get my ballot.  Use the marker to fill out the circle (or oval) completely.  Vote for the candidates I feel can do the job.  Hand the ballot in so they can run it through the machine (and make sure that it gets counted).  Get a sticker that says, "I voted."  Put the sticker on and take a selfie and post it to Instagram or social media.  

Celebrities are now getting much more political.  They are using their stardom / fame to promote a candidate of their choice.  I guess I don't understand how someone whose career is acting or singing feels that they have more knowledge of the candidates and their agenda than the average person.  Some of these celebrities have even said that it is their first time voting!  So, this one time voting makes you an expert?  And, who are these people that listen and do what a celebrity tells them to do?

If you are not voting in this election, please don't complain about the winners of this election.

If you are voting in this election, I would urge you to do your homework prior to your vote.  

Also, make sure that you take your selfie with your, "I voted" sticker and post it to social media.  

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Belly Ache Day

 Another Halloween has come and gone.  

My Dad always called the day after Halloween, "Belly Ache Day."  The belly ache came from eating too much candy the day before (Halloween).  I never suffered on Belly Ache Day.  I was allowed a few pieces of candy on Halloween, and then the rest of my candy was squirreled away by my Mom.  Never to be seen again.  

If you are looking for some way to use up that Halloween candy (besides hiding it or throwing it away), check out my recipe for Halloween cupcakes.  You can make a few batches and give them out to the neighbors.  

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Happy Halloween!

"Each year, the Great Pumpkin rises out of the pumpkin patch that he thinks is the most sincere.  He's gotta pick this one.  He's got to.  I don't see how a pumpkin patch can be more sincere than this one.  You can look around and there's not a sign of hypocrisy.  Nothing but sincerity as far as the eye can see. "  -  Linus van Pelt

Friday, October 30, 2020

Easy Halloween Costume

Halloween is tomorrow!  Do you have your costume yet?  

Well, you know I have your back when it comes to last minute Halloween costumes.  I'm all for the quick and easy costumes.  This post is for those of you who like to procrastinate  live on the edge  forgot it was Halloween.

I have four easy costumes ideas that you can make with items that you probably have around the house.   If you don't have some of these items, you can make a quick trip to the store to pick up what you need so you will be ready for trick or treating tomorrow.

This year I thought I would be a Target employee for Halloween.  I have the red shirt, khaki pants and gym shoes.  This costume is pretty easy to throw together.

Supplies needed:
Red shirt
khaki pants
gym shoes
white label (square or oval)
red and black markers
face mask*

*this is for a 2020 Target employee

Target name badges are oval in shape.  If your blank white label is square, use your pencil to draw an oval.  Within the oval, draw a black line across to divide the oval in half.  Write your name in black marker above the line.  The line itself should also be black.  Below the line, draw the Target logo (a bulls eye) and write Target in red block letters.  Attach the label to your shirt (left chest).  Don't forget to put on your mask!

And, you are ready for  work  Halloween!

I put this on and Bella said I really look like a Target employee!

Need some other last minute costume ideas?

Check out:  emoji , pumpkin pie and eye candy.

Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Fun National Days in November

 Looks like it's going to be a fun month of National Days to celebrate!  

November 1

World Vegan Day

A day for those vegan curious to give veganism a try.  Try it for a day and see how you like it!  

It's also

National Vinegar Day

The perfect day for me to celebrate.  I use white vinegar for everything!  Just ask my family!

November 5

National Men Make Dinner Day

I don't think an explanation is needed for this day.   I expect dinner to be on the table at a decent time, honey.  Oh, and it has to be vegetarian/vegan friendly.  Thanks.

November 6

National Nachos Day

I didn't know there was a day for nachos.  I know what we will be having for dinner tonight.

November 8

National Harvey Wallbanger Day

My personal favorite day to celebrate.

Recipe for the perfect Harvey Wallbanger:

1.5 oz Vodka
4oz Orange Juice
.5 oz Galliano
cherry or orange slice for garnish

Mix vodka and orange juice.
Pour Galliano on top over a spoon (Don't mix!). 
Garnish with cherry or orange slice.


Oh, If Harvey Wallbangers aren't your thing, how about celebrating

National Cappuccino Day

Perfect drink for a cool, crisp morning.   Enjoy a cup today.  Or four, if you are RT.  

November 13

National World Kindness Day

Started back in 1988, it is a day dedicated to large and small acts of kindness.  Did you know that people who are constantly kind produce less cortisol (the stress hormone) and age slower than the rest of the population?  That got your attention!  How to celebrate?  Do three random acts of kindness today.  Smile at someone, pay for someone's coffee, give out compliments.  Search kindness on my blog and you will find many more suggestions for the day.   I think you get the idea.

 November 15

National Bundt Cake Day

What to do today?  Well, if you need a good laugh for the day you can watch the Bundt Cake scene  from My Big Fat Greek Wedding.  Or, you can try your hand at making a bundt cake.  Check out these recipes from Mix and Match Mama.

It's also

National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day

I think this should be done more than once a year.  This day is to encourage people to clean out their refrigerator to prepare for the holidays.  Get out the soap, hot water and scrub brush (and the white vinegar!) and clean out that refrigerator!  Hopefully you don't find any science projects during the cleaning process.  (I still think this should be done weekly, if not monthly!)

and, it's also

National America Recycles Day

This day encourages recycling and the purchase of recycled products.  Reduce waste by repurposing/reusing old items.  You can even shop secondhand stores.  Saves these items from being placed in a landfill.

November 19

National Play Monopoly Day

I loved playing Monopoly when I was a kid.  As a grown up, not so much.  I always dreaded hearing my kids ask, "Can we play Monopoly?"  (or as RT calls it, Monotonous)  I guess I can survive one game of Monopoly a year.  I'll be the shoe!

November 20

National Absurdity Day

This day intrigued me.  Weird, or absurd, things happen.  When the postal service opened in 1913, parents took advantage of the weight limits and mailed their children to their grandparents (why didn't I think of this!?).  So, this day is dedicated to the off the wall and ridiculous.   How to celebrate?  Use this day as your excuse to do things that make no sense at all.  It's OK because you are celebrating this National Day!  (I think this might be my weird dog's Pippen's holiday)

November 23

National Espresso Day

We can't have Cappuccino Day and not celebrate Espresso Day!  Go ahead and have a couple today!

November 25

National Parfait Day

"You know what everybody else likes?  Parfaits.  Have you ever met a person, you say, "Let's go get some parfait."  They say, "Heck no, I don't like no parfait."  Parfaits are delicious!"   Donkey, in  "Shrek"

November 27

National Flossing Day

Good way to promote healthy teeth.  Also a great way to use up all of my (lifetime supply) of dental floss that I have accumulated (and inherited).