Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Natural Homemade Lip Balm

I have wanted to try this for awhile now.  Bella has a tendency to lick her lips ALOT.  So much so that there is a red ring around her lips.  People ask her if she just drank Kool-aid (sad thing is, she has never had Kool-aid).  She smiles and replies no.  I usually have to explain that its just a bad habit of licking her lips when they are dry and it gets worse and worse.  (I also had to explain to Bella what Kool-Aid was)

Someone gave me some lip balm to try out.  Bella was using it and it was working.  One night, after she put it on, I looked at the ingredients and saw: petrolatum.  Okay, I went off the deep end and did not want gasoline on her lips.  I know it isn't gasoline, but, you understand, right?  I happened to have some balms that did not have that ingredient on them and let her use them.  She now refuses to use anything with that ingredient on it.  Kind of funny, huh? 

Some of the good lip balms can be quite pricey and I wondered how difficult it would be to make my own lip balm.  I found some recipes online here, here and here.  It seemed difficult, but, once I watched a video on "how to" I was pretty confident that I could do it.  (hey, if Martha can do it, so can I, right?)

I used an egg carton to hold up the lip balm tubes.  I cut holes in the bottom to hold the tubes.  You can thoroughly clean out your old lip balm tubes or purchase some new ones online.  I bought mine here

Here is the recipe I used:


  • 2 teaspoons grated beeswax
  • 5 teaspoons carrier oil (such as Castor, sunflower, or jojoba) (I used Castor oil)
  • 1 teaspoon vitamin E oil
  • 6 or 7 drops essential oil (I used tangerine)

  • 1. Melt beeswax, carrier oil and vitamin E oil, stirring to combine. I used a glass Pyrex measuring cup placed in a shallow pot of water over the stove.  Add essential oil right before removing from boiler to pour.

    2. Pour mixture into lip balm containers. I used an old egg carton (see below).  I cut holes to hold the tubes so they can stand upright.  (This recipe makes about 6 tubes of balm) * Let cool for about an hour.
    *make sure that the bottom of the tubes is all the way down and make sure to fill all the way to the top (things that I did not do this first time around and will make sure I do next time)
    The Pyrex measuring cup was nice because it was easy to pour into the tubes.

    I didn't add color to my lip balms.  I kept them natural.
    I used tangerine essential oil in my first batch (Bella did not want mint)
    I think my next batch will be peppermint.

    The True test:

    A thumbs up from Bella

    She has been bringing it to school and the chapped ring around her lips has disappeared.  She said she loves it and it's her favorite.


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