Wednesday, November 11, 2020


Just a few musings on wearing face masks.

Who would have thought that our ears would be rock stars?  Normally we use them to hear.  Maybe hold our glasses or sunglasses.  They have also been used to hold in ear buds so we can listen to music or phone calls without bothering our neighbor.  Who would have thought the ears would be relied on to hold up a a piece of cloth on our face during a pandemic?

We learned that face masks are great for masking bad breath (go ahead and eat a whole head of garlic!).  They provide a decent barrier against bad odors, which makes them great to use while in public restrooms and port-o-potties.  They also make a great covering if you happen to yawn while someone is talking to you.  You can even stick out your tongue at people under your mask.

When a face covering was first mandated, we had the boring clinical masks, along with the disposable masks.  Along came the home made masks.  Once it was decided these face coverings weren't going away for awhile, they became available for purchase from, well, everyone and everywhere.  Trendy masks were made, so you can match your outfit or make a fashion statement.  Making masks turned into a money maker for some people.  Who would have thought you could turn mask making into a career?

Face masks became a way of communication to other people.  Words started to appear on them.  Things like, "Black Lives Matter," and "VOTE" appeared on masks.

I have a feeling we are going to be wearing face coverings for a while longer.  It doesn't matter if they match your outfit or you are using them as a way to communicate with others.  I say you go with comfort when making your choice. 

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