Thursday, December 31, 2020

2020 - A Year in Review

 It's time to take a look back at all of the scary things that happened this year.

Here are some of the highlights of 2020 on Scary Journey:
I confessed (once again) my addiction to Corn Nuts (they are so good!)
They play a lot of country music where I work
How certain songs get stuck in our head, like Da Ya Think I'm Sexy
How I use other names when placing orders
My dislike of our plastic plates
My birthday present this year (hint:  the computer has been moved)
Alex joined the Army National Guard
We entered a pandemic together
We survived the quarantine with a little count down
My family are napkin snobs
Added painter to my resume
We had to wear masks
Mask making became a career, for some people
I made a quarantine song list
We became bagel hoarders
My Clock Died during quarantine
I celebrate two easters
Bella finished 8th grade
I was able to buy a new clock online
Someone plays bagpipes in our neighborhood
We started celebrating weird National Days
Our bedroom clock is 17 minutes ahead (so we can do math in the middle of the night)
I'm secretly dating Elon Musk
I read all negative reviews on products first
I challenged you to a writing challenge
I started a career in mulch throwing 
I entertained you with some Karen stories
I increased my number of viewers on Netflix (shh!!  don't tell the kids!)
I survived 88 days in quarantine (and didn't kill anyone!)
Bella loves all music (just like me)
We learned new sayings like, Stay Safe and Social Distancing
My kids and spiders
My kids weird reaction with new things
Curly moved in with us
I got my big break and became a Walmart greeter
I created a playlist inspired by the songs they play at work.
My Girl Scout Troop received their Silver Award
I bought a new purse!
Finally able to have a date night and we can't eat out (Thanks a lot, Governor!)
I was a Target Employee for Halloween
We survived a never ending Presidential election (umm, is it over yet?)
I have a huge stockpile of Band Aids
My dislike of Election Signs
We found out that the common cold and flu have been cured

We learned a little about RT this year:
The effects of Cherry Juice 
The effects Coconut water has on him (or others)
How attached he became to his Sunflowers
The launch of his fence making business
His decision to go barefoot
His wallet issues
RT's obsession with ice cubes and ice cube making

And, we learned a lot about My Weird Dog:
Pippen made a new "friend" (the term used by the other dog owner)
Pippen got a new dog bed.  It took him 2 weeks  awhile to get used to it, but, he loves it now.
Pippen and I are a lot alike when it comes to new things
His Mommy clinginess
His weird eating habits
His future as a weather dog
He eats bird seed

We made some stuff:

And, sadly, we had a huge loss this year.  Miss you, Mom!

It's been 9 long  scary  frightening  wonderful years here on A Scary Journey.  Thanks for sticking around.  Let's hope 2021 is a little better!  Happy New Year everyone!


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