Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Laundry Detergent

Laundry detergent as a Christmas craft?  It's the gift that keeps on giving!  How about the gift that keeps on cleaning?  It's a clean gift.  How about, I need some laundry detergent and thought this would be fun to write about?  Works for me.

Supplies needed:
Fels Naptha soap bar
1 cup Arm & Hammer Washing Soda*
1 cup Borax (20 Mule Team)

*Yes, Washing Soda, not Baking Soda.  We are cleaning clothes, not baking them.  :)

I use Fels Naptha soap.  You can purchase all these products at your local WalMart. It really isn't expensive to make.  I believe 1 bar of soap, 1 box of  washing soda and Borax runs about $5.  That's to start.  You can make several loads with the washing soda and Borax.  You will have to purchase other bars of soap (about $1 each)  By the way, you can use any bar of soap.  I have to be careful with what I use because Nick has sensitive skin. 

This isn't a huge batch.  If you do a lot of laundry (like me) then you might want to make a double or triple batch.  Making detergent is a little time consuming, but, it's well worth it and will save you money in the long run.

Let's start with grating the bar of soap.  If you plan on making this laundry detergent, open up the bar of soap and leave out for a few days before making it into laundry detergent.  This makes it a little easier for grating.  If using a food processor, see the bottom update before throwing this soap into the food processor.

This takes awhile.  It's good therapy for you.  Builds character (and muscle)

This last bit is going to kill me! 
Ok, ok, I'll finish it

Looks good, doesn't it?
Mix in your Washing Soda and Borax

A little lumpy?  Have to break them down

Once mixed, find a container to put your detergent into.  You can always make this a gift!  Put it into a fancy
 jar, make a pretty label with the instructions, tie onto a jar (add a clothes pin for effect)
Who wouldn't like laundry detergent for Christmas?
I have a plain container.  I'll work on getting something fancier.  

2 tablespoons per load and you are good to go!

I add 1/2 cup of white vinegar to the load (I can't use fabric softener).  It actually helps with static cling (meaning there is none).   Laundry detergent without tons of chemicals.  Also, adding vinegar is NOT going to make your clothes smell like vinegar.

Happy Laundry Day!
Update:  Once I have grated the soap, I run it through the food processor with a cup of either the Borax or washing soda to make it more of a fine powder.  I put the soap with something else so it doesn't become clay- like, more of a powder.  I then put all three ingredients into the processor to mix them thoroughly.  Just make sure that you let it settle for a few minutes in your food processor before opening the lid or you will be inhaling soap (washing soda or borax) fumes.  cough, cough.  I find that putting this in the food processor eliminates the dried up soap dots on clothing that I was experiencing by making this detergent into a finer powder that is easier to dissolve in the washing machine.  I use this in my HE washer and it works wonderfully.

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