Tuesday, November 6, 2012

"Turn on the heat"

We have been having problems with our furnace.  We had someone come out to fix it, and after a huge amount of money was handed over, it was working.  For about an hour.  RT got it up and running again.  Right before bed it seemed a bit breezy in our house.  Turns out it wasn't working again.  RT to the rescue again.  I woke up at my time  (4am) to get some water (I'm fighting a cold) and realized it was breezy again.   RT ended up calling the company and letting them know whatever they did to our furnace, did not work. 

A service technician was scheduled to come out to our house between 4-6pm (yea, a little wait).  Our house was rather chilly.  I thought it was freezing, but, I have a cold and have the chills anyway.

The chill in the air reminded me of a line from the Three Stooges.  Yes, I'm a Three Stooges fan.  It's from my favorite episode, "Uncivil Warriors." 

Curly (who is a Major) is telling the "Colonel" a joke.

Curly:  There were three men and three beds, only had two blankets, how did they keep warm?

Colonel:  I don't know Major, how did they?

Curly:  They turned on the heat!  Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.

That seemed like the logical thing to do today, but, it wasn't possible in our house. 

I did get a laugh out of it and watched the episode to laugh some more.

Take a look for yourself:

Why are Curly's clothes always to tight and short?  It cracks me up.

The service tech (finally) came out.   Before he left, he said the furnace was fixed and we shouldn't have any more trouble. 

It didn't last too long.  Maybe an hour?  I think RT figured out the problem and I am keeping my fingers crossed that we don't have anymore trouble.

If we do, I can keep my sense of humor and watch some more Three Stooges episodes.


  1. I'm always using the line, "I resemble that" instead of "I resent that". I hope you're feeling better.

  2. "I resemble that remark!" Love it!
    I had to cave and do the swig of apple cider vinegar. All I have to say it "Ugh!" I think taking that makes you forget about your cold symptoms.
