Friday, November 16, 2012


Small devices that provide power so an electronic item will work.

Not all things need batteries. 

Books = no batteries 
Remote controls and wireless XBox controllers = batteries

The rechargeable batteries are great.  Put your batteries into the charger and plug in for a couple of hours.  It's great if you have some batteries stored that are charged so they are ready to use when you really need them.

In a perfect world (or any place other than our house) this works.

Over the years I have tried to be organized with our batteries.  I use rechargeable batteries.  I don't see the point buying more and more batteries and filling up a landfill when you can just charge the ones that you have on hand.  (I do recycle my old batteries at our town's electronic recycling program)

I have a container known as the "battery basket" that holds batteries, a tester and chargers (we have more than one).  I put charged batteries into a bag conveniently titled "Charged batteries."  I know, I really know how to creatively label something.  It's a gift.

With such an organized system, things should run smoothly, right?


I find batteries EVERYWHERE! 

Laying on the table, the kitchen counter, the family room floor, the floor of the kid's bedrooms.  When asked, the kids tell me they don't know if the batteries work.  I'm not sure why you would throw batteries on the floor of your room if they worked.

No one ever knows if the batteries on the table by the XBox controllers work.  Yes, someone took the batteries out and placed them there and is still playing XBox with a controller that works.  Did the batteries just appear there?

Maybe there is a battery fairy that drops batteries off at people's houses? 

Does this happen at your house?

Getting back to my nicely organized battery basket.  When I find all of these "miscellaneous" batteries laying around, I gather them up and bring them back to the battery basket.  What I find when I approach the battery basket is quite frightening.  It's like a tornado whipped through our house and the only destruction we had was the contents of the battery basket is strewn across the office floor.

Tighter security is going to have to surround the battery basket.  I can no longer leave the battery basket where it can be robbed by battery thieves.  (I should set up security cameras) 

I think the batteries are going to have to be checked out just like library books.  Return your used batteries and receive newly charged ones. 

And, finally...I'm going to set a trap for the battery fairy.


  1. Hey, I have some things that need labeling. Can you come over and help since you're so good at it?

    Okay, I know what you mean. My kids aren't as bad, but... I have a box full of charged batteries with the battery chargers sitting just below the outlet. Most often I find batteries outside the box (from experience I know these aren't charged), but recently, I have discovered batteries in the box that aren't charged either. I know because when I put them in my camera and try to take a picture, I can't. By this time, all the batteries are dead, and I'm left with the perfect shot left untaken.

    1. I too am left with batteries in the basket that are questionable. I went out and bought a battery tester. It's a lot easier than loading in all of the batteries into something to see if they work.
      I'm available for all of your labeling needs. Just make an appointment. :)
