Sunday, November 4, 2012

Pajama Birthday Time!

It's a party and you can wear your pajamas!

Bella wanted to have a pajama themed birthday party this year.  I think she just wanted to have an entire day in her pajamas (who doesn't?).

We tie-dyed pillow cases (I forgot to use the plastic gloves that were included and my hands are a combination of  purple/blue/pink/yellow), played truth or dare (very popular game, that's all they wanted to play), freeze dance and limbo.  Oh, and we made bracelets.  (they were supposed to be necklaces but the girls were so excited and just wanted to run around). 

I made flower cupcakes using cut marshmallows and an m & m.  Got this idea from the kraft foods website. 
flower cupcakes

Bella controlling the board in the truth or dare game

Alex acting like a chicken for 30 seconds
(he was great about doing everyone else's dares)

Alex was an expert at the Limbo contest
The other girls at the party told him he couldn't stay downstairs because he wasn't a girl

Meet Alexandra
She joined our party and was able to once again play the games

since she was a girl
I love these two pictures
just shows the delicateness of Bella
(we won't go into her real mood of the day)

(this was the cake we had that night)
Time flies.  My little baby has turned 7.
I'm so blessed to be your mom
Happy Birthday, Bella!

1 comment:

  1. What a great post! Alex is a very pretty girl. Too funny! Happy Birthday, Bella!
