Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My Time

Apparently, 4am is my time.  It's the time I wake up.  I try to go back to sleep, but, I'm wide awake.  I lie awake for hours until I decide to finally get out of bed.(thats usually around 6am)  Today I had to wait until 8am.  (we're up in Door County for a couple of days, so, most of my family sleeps in and there really isn't anywhere I could go)  I try to fall asleep but, you know your body is awake.  Then it moves into trying to sleep and thinking about things.  What am I going to do today?  Why did I do that?  What was I thinking on that one (or was I thinking)?  How am I going to handle that?  What is the meaning of life?

I think last night I pretty much wrote this blog entry in my head.  I should have turned the computer on and started typing.  I think it was a lot better at 4, than it is now.

4am hasn't always been my time.  There are times when it is 2am (thats a killer).  3am is pretty popular, too.  I would like it to move to 6am.  That would be a little more convenient for me.  It would also be nice to actually get sleep at night.

My usual is to get up and get some exercise and jump into my day.  Today, I had a little delay, so I could write this up for you.  I didn't want you to miss out on my time, since you were a big part of it this morning.  I'm off to get some exercise.  I'm hoping to move my time a little later tomorrow.  

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