Friday, April 26, 2024

Hot Cross Buns

 I realized I should have posted this a couple of Fridays ago or wait a couple more weeks for Orthodox Good Friday.

Well, here we go.

While cleaning, one child found his recorder and decides to give it a whirl.  What song does he play?

Hot Cross Buns.

If you have kids, you know that, "Hot Cross Buns," is one of the songs they teach you when you start playing the recorder. 

Each child went through the recorder phase.  Learning how to play, "Hot Cross Buns."  I can't tell you how many times I heard that song played on a recorder in my lifetime.  I heard that song so much that I found myself humming the tune.  Sometimes I couldn't fall asleep at night because I had the song playing over and over in my head.  I couldn't wait until the recorder unit was over.

While this child was playing, the youngest child found her recorder and joined the concert.

They have now formed a band and will be touring.  It's a one song set.  Check your local venues.  Definitely something you won't want to miss!

Thursday, April 25, 2024

National Card and Letter Writing Month

  April is National Card and Letter Writing Month.  I talked about this at the beginning of the month and wanted to tell you that you still have time to join in on the fun. 

Why not take a few minutes and write some letters to friends and or family members and drop them in the mail?  People love getting happy mail!  I love handwritten letters!  That's the first thing I read when I get the mail!

Don't know what to write?  How about:

an uplifting message
a funny (happy) memory that you share with this person
Maybe a thank you for something
How about just saying hello?
Maybe forward some old pictures along with a little note

This would be a great idea for your Girl Scouts.  Our Girl Scout Troop is making some cards for Seniors.  We have done this in the past and the Seniors love receiving cards and letters!  I have contacted the homes that we normally visit and have organized our card drop off with them.  This might be something you can have your troop work on at home.  If you want to take this a step further, maybe your troop would like to be pen pals with some seniors?  Check out this article on Becoming a Pen Pal to Seniors.  You can contact your local retirement community and see if they would be interested in having Girl Scout Pen Pals.  

So, grab some paper and a pen and start writing!

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Count The Money

 Took a trip out east a few weeks ago.  While out sightseeing, I stopped in a little shop and purchased an item.  It wasn't very expensive, and I thought I would just pay for it in cash. I had quite a bit of change and thought I would use it for this purchase. I counted out the change, separating each dollar out so it was easy for the cashier to count.  The cashier, a guy in his early twenties, starts counting the change.  He is counting quarters as thirty-five cents.  Nickels are sometimes worth five cents and sometimes twenty-five cents.  At this point I realize that he has no idea how to count money.  After struggling to count out two dollars in change, I had to step in and help the guy out.  He finally gave up and put all of the money in the drawer.   Normally the cashier counts the money prior to placing in the drawer.  I think he was just frustrated and possibly embarrassed.   

When we left the store, I must have talked about this moment for a LONG time (sorry, RT).  But isn't that sad, that this generation has no idea how to count change?   I realize that as a society we might eliminate currency (paper and coin) but, to not be able to count, add and identify American currency?  And you live here?

I find that very disturbing.


Monday, April 22, 2024

National Girl Scout Leaders Day

 Today is National Girl Scout Leaders Day!

Celebrate the day by thanking a volunteer in the Girl Scouts program.  You can share your experience as a Girl Scout leader or volunteer in the program.  

This would be a great opportunity for parents to have their daughter write a letter to their leader.  The leaders appreciate these letters and hold them dear.

This marks my 13th (and final) year as a Girl Scout Leader.  I am forever grateful to my troop, fellow co-leader, and wonderful parents.  To think back and remember how fearful I was taking this position, only to find that it has been one of the best experiences of my life.

To all of the Girl Scout Leaders, I send you a HUGE thank you.  You are truly an inspiration to the girls in your troop.

Sunday, April 21, 2024


Moving.  Something I never experienced growing up.

I've moved twice in my lifetime.  Both times weren't that bad because I didn't have a lot of stuff.  Now, three kids and twenty seven years later we made the difficult decision to move.   Large home with no kids and high taxes.   It's a smart decision.  At least that's what I keep telling myself.

Going through items (not just my stuff) and trying to figure out what to keep and what to toss is very stressful.  I have been leaning towards the "toss" side.  I'm not sure if that's a good thing.

I have sent many "snaps" to my kids with photos with, "Do you want this?"  If I don't get a response right away, I ask again.  There might be an angry, yelling snap in there somewhere and eventually the item gets tossed in the garbage.

I think my kids avoid me and my messages.  They want the stuff but don't have the space.

I do have to say I came to a point where I thought it would be a lot easier to just torch the place.  Or, even better, so we still have a house to sell, make a pile in the yard and have a HUGE bonfire.

After going through stuff, I feel everyone should have to move every five years.  That way you don't accumulate so much shi# stuff.  

I think this has been a huge learning experience (well, I haven't moved yet, just got the house prepped for photos and showings).  I'm in a holding pattern because I don't want to make a mess.  I haven't killed anyone (yet).  Although I have come pretty close a few times.

I do feel that I have learned something from this nightmare experience.  Arson Bonfires are the way to go.

Monday, April 15, 2024

My Weird Dog

 Nothing like being at work and receiving videos from my kids of them annoying the dog.

And then they wonder why the dog acts weird.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

National Walking Day

 Today is National Walking Day.

Of course I will be celebrating the day!  If you see me out and about, give me a wave, stop and say hi or just join me for a walk.