Friday, November 30, 2012

The Great Escape Artist

Pippen has been at it again.
RT took Newton to the bus earlier this week.  Pippen was in the yard crying.  It's difficult to take both dogs at the same time.  Pippen did go on a jog with RT earlier that morning, so it was Newton's turn.
RT said he was at the bus stop and could hear Pippen's barks and cries.  All of a sudden it got quiet.  He looked toward our house and saw Pippen running to the bus stop.  (in the middle of the street)  Pippen doesn't understand that he can get hit by a car if he's in the street.  He's still a puppy.  He likes to be included in everything and probably thought he was forgotten.
RT fixed that part of the fence when he got home so there wouldn't be another esccape.
Yesterday I decided to take Newton to the bus stop.  Pippen was put outside on the side of our house.  Newton and I walked out quietly.  I didn't think Pippen could hear or see us. 
All of a sudden he starts barking.  I thought he would give up.  I thought of giving RT a call at home and telling him to bring Pippen inside. 
I make it to the bus stop and start joking with one of the parents that hopefully it won't be like the other day when RT was here and Pippen came out running.  Just after I said that, I noticed it was quiet.  I look down the street and see Pippen galloping down the street and the school bus just turning the corner.  He's fast so he was in no danger of getting hit by the bus.  (I think he might have some greyhound in him)
He was so excited to see me.  I put the leash on him.  Newton got to walk home like a free dog. 
Pippen used his paw on the chicken wire that RT had put on the open spot on the fence and pushed it down.  The board on the fence (it's an old fence) slides back and forth and he was able to squeeze through.
Nick came home and volunteered to fix the fence.  He came up with a plan and, well, let's hope it keeps little Houdini from escaping.

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