Friday, October 26, 2012

PayDay, the Board Game

When you were growing up, was there a board game that you liked to play?  I'm assuming you are older and are of the board game generation (as opposed to the video game generation).

Maybe it was Monopoly?  The game of Life?  (the original, not the Spongebob version)  Backgammon?  Sorry?  Trouble?

I had a game called Pay Day.  It was a gift from my friend, Patti.  (you remember Pay Day, don't you Patti?)  I loved playing Pay Day!  Patti and I could play for hours.  It never got old re-enacting the TV commercial lines. 

"My long lost aunt. (pause)  She left me 500 bucks!"

Here's a link to the original commercial.

You're probably wondering why I'm writing about this game.  I don't know what happened to my original Pay Day game.  It probably got ruined when our basement flooded (which happened with every rain fall).  Well, after a long search, I finally found this game!  I was so excited!
I found it at a resale shop called "Savers."  For $3 (not a bad price, and all of the pieces are inside) I couldn't wait to get home and play.
The first time, I set up the game and RT, Bella and I played.  It didn't last long.  Bella was not in the mood to play a game she did not know and, well, she was really crabby.  I was really disappointed and said that I was going to take my game and drive to Tennessee to play with Patti.  I know she would enjoy it (and not be crabby) (I might still do that)
The second time we played, it was Alex, Bella and myself.  This time things went a lot better.  Alex and Bella liked the game.  They were getting into the "Deal" cards.  Alex thinks the woman that is the "Buyer" is not pretty.  I said you shouldn't complain about her looks, she's the one buying your stuff.

Our Pay Day game

Still not too thrilled

Alex landed on "Inheritance" 
He was the first one to do this, and I had to say the line from the commercial 
We had a lot of fun playing Pay Day.  Alex ended up winning (I don't know how many months we played). 

Alex said he liked the game and can't wait to play it again.

Me too!


  1. I love PayDay! My family and I played it recently, but it was a different version. It didn't have an Inheritance Day. I like your version better. I'll be expecting you to bring it IF you ever make it down here.
