Friday, October 12, 2012

Scary-Journey Halloween Spider Craft


Like I said before, just the word is scary for some of us! 

For this scary halloween craft I am continuing with my SPIDER theme.  Again, you can make it as scary as you can handle.  Or, you can make it real scary and scare other people!  :)

Today I'm lucky to have a guest post from Anthony.  He made a real cool spider for his art homework and I asked if he could share it with me. 

Supplies needed:
Black construction paper (I'm getting scared already!)
pipe cleaners (8, and going to be covered by black paper)
red yarn
google eyes

Cut 16 lengths from black construction paper for the legs (wide enough to glue/staple around pipe cleaners.
Cut a circle from black construction paper for the head
Glue or staple pipe cleaners between two lengths of paper
Bend pipe cleaners to look like legs (or hair if you want to be like Anthony)
Color or put googly eyes on head
Glue length of red yarn or color mouth
Cut length of black construction paper to fit around head (you might have to staple two pieces together)
Staple or glue head to the strip to go around your head
Staple four legs on each side of spider's head
And, you're done!

Thanks, Anthony for sharing your SCARY spider craft!
Love it!

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