Friday, October 19, 2012

Another Spider Halloween Craft - Under a dollar!

Well, almost free for me.  I had the items on hand.  You might, too.

I know.  I don't like spiders and here I am making a third spider halloween craft!  Crazy, huh?

I was staring at the empty egg carton thinking I can probably make something fun out of it.  This is what I came up with....a spider!

Just in time for Halloween!  You can never have too many scary spiders around the house.

Supplies needed:
empty egg carton (free with purchase of eggs)
black paint (on hand or can use a black marker)
google eyes (I found some in the attic)
black pipe cleaner (on hand or $.77 for a package at Walmart)
scissors (on hand)
pin/paper clip (on hand)

Cut one of the egg holders out from the egg carton.  Trim the bottom to make it even all the way around.  The sides will be open, but that's ok (that is where we will put the legs). 

Use a paper clip to punch holes in the side for the legs.  4 on each side.  Unless you are Bella and insist that they should only have 3.  I did this before painting to make it easier to assemble.  If you are using a paper type egg carton, be careful.  It's really easy to rip it.  (not that I would know from experience or anything) 

Paint the outside black and let dry.

Cut your pipe cleaner into 8 pieces and stick into the holes that you punched out.

Add some googly eyes and

(hanging out at my desk)


These would be great to add to some spider webs (real or pretend) (ha ha)

Let me know if you make the craft.  I would love to see your spider.  Leave a comment with a link to your blog or email me a photo.

1 comment:

  1. Anthony saw your spider and made one of his own. It didn't have any eyes, it was blue and its legs were much longer, but I liked it:
    Love the crafts! Thanks for posting!
