Wednesday, October 10, 2012

24 Hours in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin - The Outtakes

You know more happened in our 24 hours than I wrote about in my last post.  I put all of the nice things and pictures in my original post

I thought I would share just a couple of the outtakes with you in this post.

When we went out for breakfast, I was sitting in a booth right next to this vase with (artificial) flowers.  Since there was no room on the table, it was pushed to the wall right by me and felt like it was in my face.  A whole meal with a big bush of flowers in my face.  Oh, joy.  It was so annoying that I took a picture of it.

 When it annoys you, take a picture of it.  Thats a rule, I think.

At the same restaurant, they had this poster at each table telling us how sweet potato fries have arrived.  I've been waiting so long for their arrival that I did a little dance right by our table.  Again, I felt the need to take a picture just so I could share it with you.
I know you're excited about it, too
go ahead, dance!

Finally, my last share of the trip, Alex went to use the bathroom before we left.  He comes out and says, "What happened to the soap?"  Turns out that RT had taken the bar and packed it.  They throw them out, so why not take it home and use it?  (reduce, reuse and recycle)  Alex wasn't too happy.  He said we could have waited until we were done.  I said I was glad that he was going to wash his hands.  (no, he wasn't happy with that comment and, yes, we got him some soap)

As you can see, we enjoyed our 24 hours in Lake Geneva, glad I could share it with you,  and we look forward to going back soon. 

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