Thursday, October 11, 2012

Scary-Journey's Halloween Craft - SPIDER!




Definitely a scary thing if you don't like spiders.  I'm not a huge fan of them.  I was a little scared with this one, but, it was Bella doing the craft.  I just stayed away and snapped a few pictures.  (and helped out with the glue gun)

Supplies needed:
2 black pipe cleaners
glue gun
google eyes

We didn't have 2 black pipe cleaners, so we used the black/brown striped pipe cleaners.  I figured they would look like a spider.  (the yellow and black might have creeped me out)

This one is pretty easy.  Take your one pipe cleaner and twirl it into a circle.  Start at the end, then wrap it around and around.  I didn't get a picture of that part, but, you will be able to see in this picture what we did.
 See how it's a circle?
Take the second pipe cleaner and cut it into 4 pieces (in equal length, if possible).  These are going to be the legs of the spider.  The circle part you just made will rest on top of the legs.  You will have to bend them a little so the body can rest on the legs.  This is where the glue gun comes in handy.  Glue the legs onto the body.  Like I said, you should have 4 sets.  Bella did not want to use the fourth set for some reason)  Maybe it looked a little too real? 
Again, we did not have Googly eyes, so, we improvised and used our hole punch and punched out a couple of white circles, put little black centers and glued them onto our spider.
feel free to add a mouth or fangs

almost looks innocent here

AHHH!!  Attack of the scary spider!

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