Wednesday, February 27, 2013

High Fructose Corn Syrup HFCS

Dr. Lustig had a book out, "Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity and Disease." I just viewed Dr. Robert Lustig's YouTube video Sugar: The Bitter Truth and found it very eye opening.  You can view it by clicking here

I was aware of some of the points in Dr. Lustig's presentation.  In fact I just read an article by Dr. Mercola about the effects of Coca Cola in a person's diet (and made RT quit his one coke a day habit).  I knew that high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is bad for you and is in just about every (processed) food out there.  (I didn't know that fiber was taken out of food to give it a longer shelf life)

I did learn from Dr. Lustig that each person consumes about 141 pounds of sugar per year.  Wow!  And we wonder why we have an obesity (and Type Two diabetes) problem in the US?  "Fructose is not glucose and does not support the hunger hormone."  That's why we keep eating more and more (bad food). 

Another interesting fact was that Gatorade (the original) came out in 1970 and didn't have sugar.  (I remember my brothers drinking it and thinking it tasted good)  Gatorade was later bought out and HFCS was added to it.  To make it taste good so more people will drink it.  (which means more sugar in our diet)

Very disturbing was the fact that baby formula has corn syrup solids and sucrose added to it.  Why?  And we are led to believe that the formula is good for our babies.  Hey, it's approved by the FDA.  Aren't they supposed to be watching out for us?

Taken from Dr. Lustig's speech:

from the FDA "no harm will result from the use of the additive (fructose).  and HFCS is generally regarded as safe.  It is adulterated if it contains anything poisonous that makes it injurious to health."

I could go on and on.

View the YouTube video.  It's long but it's worth it. 

Your health is worth it.

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