Friday, February 22, 2013

Vegetarian Diaries - Scrambled Eggs with Spinach and Onions

I took Bella to a birthday party for one of the boys in her class.  It turns out this is the first birthday party that he has ever had in his life (he turned seven).   I decided to stay with Bella.  She can get a little clingy especially if she has never been to the person's house.

 I ended up talking with the birthday boy's (BB) uncle.   You know me.  Talking it up with everyone around me.  He told me a little history about the family (they are from India).  There are 3 sisters, he is married to one of them (his second marriage), and the other two sisters live with their husbands and families at the house (where we were at for the party).  Yea, for some reason, people tell me their whole life story..RT tells me it's a gift that I have.

 I met BB's grandma.  I encouraged her to join in on the limbo game (she did).  I tried to get her to go again when it got lower but, she chickened out.  I had to leave (just as the meal was being served) and they got quite upset.  (I had to pick Nick up from work)  I promised I would be back and eat then.  When they found out I was a vegetarian, they were so excited.  (they are all vegetarian)  They told me they go to the church that holds the annual veggie festival (I already marked my calendar for August this year).

I bumped into them at the open house for Bella's school and they were all hugging me.  I think I have become part of their family (that's RT in the background saying "People love you!").

Anyway, that was my vegetarian story.

I have been on a spinach kick lately.  I can't get enough of it!

We buy the two and a half pound bag of fresh spinach.  It's a huge bag.  I was worried the first time I bought it.  I didn't think we would be able to eat that much spinach.  We managed to finish it off.

I will use spinach for a salad or in soup.  I even made a taco salad using spinach (instead of lettuce).  It was delicious!

One morning I decided I had a taste for spinach and chopped a bunch up, along with some onion and sauteed it.

I scrambled an egg in it so it seemed a little more breakfast-y
It was more spinach than egg

If you want, you can put in a little feta cheese (and make it more like a Greek omelet)
goat cheese might work, too


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