Wednesday, February 6, 2013

My New Saying

I have a new saying.  Don't worry, my family's saying, "what?" is still in use. 

This is my saying that I have been using quite a bit lately.  I didn't make it up and I don't know who to give credit.

Here it goes.

"It is what it is."

Before you jump to any conclusions, think about it for a minute.  There is a situation or a problem and you really can't do anything to change it.  You may not like it and want to jump in and change it to your liking, but, you can't.  You can waste hours and hours trying to figure out how to change it or make it better.   Some situations (problems) can not be changed.  So, why waste your time getting worked up about the situation (or problem) and just accept it and move on.

Well, I like it.  It has helped me get over things that did not happen (that I wanted to happen) and to just graciously accept the situation "as is."

It is what it is.

Try it.

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