Monday, February 25, 2013

And, how old are you?

I'm sure you remember my Valentine craft post (love on a picture frame).

Well, I came home to find out that it "somehow" broke. 

I had the picture on the mantle leaning against the fireplace.  It has been up there for a few weeks now without falling.  I had just admired it a few days before thinking how much I really like it.
I leave the house to go to a Daisy meeting on Friday and when I return, it's broken.

When I walked in the door, Nick asked me if I remembered that picture with the word "Love" on it. 
I said yes. 
He said it broke. 
I said how? 
He said that he wanted to see if it was attached.  He touched it and it fell and hit the fireplace and shattered.  (I'm not sure if he was talking about the word or if the picture was attached to the wall).   

Normally I would be worried about having nice things around my children when they are young, but, when they are sixteen, I shouldn't have to worry.  He was truly sorry about it and wanted to pay for a new one.  (I told him that I made it)

Now I am on the lookout for some glass to replace my frame.

Wish me luck.

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