Monday, December 10, 2012

I have the flu, do you want to hang out?

I get a call from another mom.  Her daughter has been fighting a cold/flu for the last couple of days.  Apparently she was in school today (the mom thought she was fine).  Turns out the mom picked her up from school early.  I find out from Bella that the girl was in the nurses office (along with another girl) because she was sick.  All this sick and going home happened today.

So, back to this call.  The mom called me and asked if Bella wanted to come over and play.

First of all, it was nice of her to ask.  (let's just get the pleasantries out of the way)  The girl is a couple years older than Bella.  They hang out once in awhile.  I guess my problem is that it would have been nicer if her daughter wasn't sick.  She told me that she brought her home from school, but, everything is ok.  Bella said she doesn't want to get sick.  I really can't blame her.  I don't want to get sick either.

What happened to stay home and get better? 

Why do people feel the need to share their cold, along with all of their sick germs, with others?

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