Friday, December 7, 2012

Daisy Count It Up Leaf

Today the girls earned their Daisy Count It Up Leaf.  This is a leaf that goes on the front of the Daisy uniform and teaches the girls about money, sales goals, what to do with their profit and how to sell the cookies.

We simplified this for our troop and did this in one (one hour) troop meeting. 

We talked about our sales goal for this year.  We really didn't have a sales goal last year.  We didn't think that kindergarten Daisy's would sell that many cookies (we sold over 450 boxes!).  I think it's the cuteness that sells them.  :)  This year we set a sales goal for 500 boxes.  Thats a lot of cookies, but, we do have one more girl than last year.  If we don't reach that amount, it's ok.  We don't have anything pressing that we need the money to help offset (like a camping trip, etc)   I made a chart so they can watch it fill up as we get the cookie order forms in.  Each girl will get to color in the amount of cookies that they sold.

We talked about what we would like to do with the money that we earn.  The girls came up with some great ideas.  A play, the zoo, donating money to help others, buying toys for kids who don't have toys, donating to Ronald McDonald house (housing for families that have a child in the hospital), roller skating, visiting and making cards for the seniors at the assisted living center and a picnic.  It's great to see that they want to help others with the money that they make from cookie sales!

The girls learned the cost of a box of cookies and did a little sheet adding up the cost if the customer purchases 2 boxes (up to 5 boxes).  Great way for them to practice their math skills.

We used play money (one dollar, five dollar and ten dollar bills only to make it easier) and practiced selling cookies to one another.  A girl would ask another girl if she would like to buy a box of cookies.  She would add in what her troop plans on doing with the money that they earn from the cookie sale.  It was cute.  I think they liked playing both the buyer and the seller!

I had a coloring sheet for them, a picture of a cookie I found on Little Brownie Baker.

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