Sunday, December 30, 2012

A walk in the Arboretum

We had a slight dusting of snow and decided to go for a little hike in the Arboretum.  I think snow makes everything look beautiful.  Sorry to say that my pictures aren't that exciting with all of the browns and white.  The gray sky probably didn't help.  It looked a lot better in person.  Maybe next time you should just come along with me.
starting our little hike
Well, this was taken in the car.  I made RT stop so I could get this picture.  He said I could just take it when we get out.  I, of course, couldn't wait, and took the picture.

Bella's pink coat adds a splash of color

Thought all of the trees looked like a wall

we got to walk through the wall of trees
I was calling it the candy cane forest. 
from the movie, Elf.  love that movie!

Bella sitting on "Big Rock"
yes, that's what it's called.  Big Rock.  Probably took days (months or years) to name.

walking back through the forest
Yes, that's an outhouse.  Bella said, "That's where we parked!"  I said, "How do you know?"  She said, "we parked by the green outhouse."  I said it's always good to have landmarks when you go on your hike.  Bella suggested that they paint all of the outhouses different colors so you know where you parked your car.  Good idea!  We'll have to mention that to them the next time we go.

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