Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Jury Duty

Jury Duty is your civic responsibility. Names are pulled randomly and letters are sent out.

Hold on. Names are pulled randomly?

I just got a letter recently for jury duty in the mail. When talking to my neighbor she told me she has lived here 27 years and has never been called since she moved here. Another person I spoke to (who is a lot older than me) said she has never been called.

I started thinking about it and realized that in the 22 years that I have known RT this is my sixth call for Jury Duty. Yea, six times. That's a lot. That's not counting the one call before I met him for Federal jury duty. I then realized that in that amount of time (22 years), RT has NEVER been called. How is that random? Am I just lucky?

I have to do my duty tomorrow.  I have a book to read, I will also make myself a lunch and maybe I will come up with an odd blog posting. 

Wish me luck.

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