Monday, April 8, 2013

Daisy Pink Petal - Be a Sister to Every Girl Scout - Tea Party

Our Daisy troop earned their Pink petal, "Be a Sister to Every Girl Scout" by hosting a tea party for the Kindergarten Daisy troop. 

A couple of girls were our party greeters, showing them where to hang their coats and bringing them over to a table to get a name tag. 

What's a tea party without a fancy hat?  The girls all made flowered headbands.  We had the girls pick their flowers, leaves and ribbon and we (the adults) hot glued them onto the head bands.  (headbands and flowers from the dollar store) (make sure glue dries before girls put headband on.  We had the girls count to 100 before putting the head band on their head)  We had a back drop that said "Daisy Tea Party" (table cloth with letters and flowers attached to it) and took each girls picture with their flower headband.

As the girls finished their craft, we had them gather and we sang some girl scout songs.  We said the promise and the pledge together.  Then we lead our guests to their tables.

The tables were decorated with table cloth (each had a color of a daisy petal), we used large doilies as a place mat.  Our first graders then served their kindergarten sister scouts "tea" (apple juice or water) and a few cookies.  After the meal, our first graders cleaned up the plates and cups for their party guests.

At the end of the party, we had the girls play some games.  We divided the party into 3 groups and had them rotate, playing each game for about 5 minutes (so every girl gets a turn). 

The games we chose:

Sister May I  - Played like "Mother May I"
Coin toss into the tea cup
Stack the sugar cubes - played as a relay game

Daisy says - Played like "Simon Says"
Pass the tea cup - played like "Hot potato"
Sugar cube relays - spoon with a sugar cube, pass to the next person

We also had some coloring pages on the tables in case there was a girl who didn't want to play the games.  All of our girls wanted to play the games.  The coloring pages were something they wanted to do as the parents came to pick them up.  We did send them home with the girls.

We had our troop make the party favors at our meeting (the day before the party).  We used a toilet paper roll, covered in tissue and put candy, the pink daisy petal and a tea party patch inside.  We decorated the outside of the favors with pretty papers and the girls name.
Our party was one and a half hours and was a blast!

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