Sunday, January 22, 2012


I will probably get in trouble for putting some of these pictures up, but, until then, let's enjoy them, shall we?

We got about 8" of snow on Friday.  It was wonderful!  I love snowstorms (when I don't have to be out driving in them).  School buses were a little late (Nick's was over an hour late getting home).  Traffic was bad, but, there was lots of snow to play in!

RT took Bella and Alex and some friends sledding on Friday while it was snowing (only a few other crazies out there).  All of us went today.  There was some grumbling about going, but, that one actually had a good time.

My pictures aren't great, it's hard to get a clear action photo.  I couldn't tell them to stop half way down the hill so I can get a good picture.

Thats Bella going down, Nick is on the yellow sled, RT is standing by Nick

Nick having fun

That's RT on the orange sled

My hands froze taking pictures and video.  I had a hard time moving the fingers on my right hand when we got back into the car. 

Here's Alex snowboarding.  He even comments on his performance.

We started going down another side of the hill (smaller and it ends up in some tall grass).  The kids had fun just hanging out down there (this was after sledding for awhile)

And, then it was home and time for hot chocolate

Looking forward to the next snowfall!

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