Sunday, January 8, 2012

Saying Goodbye

Saying good bye is a hard thing to do.  Unless, of course it is saying goodbye to the 2 minute shower.  That is about how long our hot water lasted when taking a shower.  Believe me, if you were put to the test, you would be able to get your entire shower routine done in two minutes.  It may not be your best attempt, but it would get done.  Of course, there would have to be compromises.  Wash my hair or shave?  Wash my hair and shave (that one takes special skills, one must be quite flexible or you will throw your back out) or wash my body?  Tough decisions. 

These have been the types of decisions we have had to make in our house for, well, quite a long time.  All of that extra stress in our lives over these life changning decisions.

See, our hot water heater, may it rest in peace, was getting a little old.  It was here in the house before we moved in 15 years ago.  He did the best he could over the years.  Worked long, hard hours.  Sometimes putting in some overtime when needed.  He had a couple of medical procedures done over the years, nothing major, just a new heating element here and there.  He gave his all for us and we really appreciated it.  In the end, though, things weren't as good.  Very short bursts of hot water, followed by icy cold.   We said our goodbyes.  It was his time to go.
In walks our new water heater. An energy saving kind of guy.  He's a little shorter than the last one, but, that's ok.  He can do the job.  He is being put to the test tonight (he has a load of dishes to do and some rags to wash that his predecessor soiled)  He's a little nervous, but, I'm sure he will do just fine.

Here is a little glimpse at the guy, kinda cute, isn't he?

Here is the handsome man that installed him.

and here is the little problem that the handsome man solved (a broken washer that took the handsome man 4 hours to figure out and cost us $1.81) that saved us a huge plumber's fee

The handsome man is quite grateful and has decided to Tebow it

He then ran off to take a hot tub and has not been seen since.

As for me, I am looking forward to extending my shower tomorrow to, say, 3 1/2 minutes.  Cut me some slack here, I'm just trying to live a little, you know, enjoy life to the fullest!  Don't be so hard on me!  It is a new water heater that will actually produce hot water.  Let me enjoy that awhile.  I deserve it!  Who knows, I might not know what to do with all of that extra time and get out early!

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