Tuesday, January 10, 2012

They say it happens in threes

More bad news to bring you.  Our washer and dryer have gone to appliance heaven. 

No, it wasn't sudden.  We knew it was coming.  There were signs.  Huge puddles, clothes not getting clean, water retention (water remaining in the washer), clothes not drying in a timely manner.  I held the torch and kept nursing them along (RT was ready to dump the two a long time ago).  I wiped up puddles, put it back on the spin cycle, pre-scrubbed clothes to make it easier to clean.  I worried, I prayed, I gave little pep talks.  But, on New Years Eve (yes, I was washing clothes on New Years Eve, doesn't everyone?  Are there other things to do? What were you doing?) I knew it was time.  I had to let go and say good bye. 

Mr. Wash  *  - 2011
Mrs. Dry   1994-2011

Here lies Mr. Wash and Mrs. Dry.  They have stuck by our sides through all kinds of dirt and grime.  Small loads and large loads with a few delicates in between.  Mr. Wash took great pride in washing all dirty, grimy, filthy, contaminated, greasy, stained things (clothing, rags, burp rags, towels, dog blankets) that were handed to him.  He never complained.  He did his job with pride.  Mrs. Dry handled all the drying, removal of dog hair and dust that we sent her way.  She, too, did her job without complaints. 

A service will be held on Thursday, at which time, their replacements will take over.

*Mr. Wash was around cleaning before he met us in 1993

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