Friday, March 23, 2012

Serenity Now

Madness later......

We haven't even hit the 24 hour mark on spring break and I'm already calling for SERENITY NOW! 

Alex had a sleep over last night.  I figure since we aren't going anywhere, I will let him have fun here.  I have been "reminding" Alex to clean up after himself when eating in the basement.  Wait, I said that in the beginning, I have been saying not to eat in the basement because he leaves a mess (crumbs, wrappers, glasses, bowls, etc.) (the etc. is what's driving me crazy!)  While his friend was here, Bella pointed out an ant crawling across the floor.  I said, that's why we clean up after ourselves and we don't leave messes.  I told Alex to clean up his stuff before it gets bad.  Nick chimes in that the ants are going to come in anyway, so what's the point?  I said, well, let's not send out invitations to them by leaving food on the floor. 

I check in a little later.  The friend had FINALLY left.  I think it was almost a 24 hour sleep over.  If you don't move too fast on these sleepovers, the kid might just move in with you.  And, you don't realize it until it's too late! 

Back to the basement, Alex left a food bowl on the floor and it had ants in it.  He said, how did that happen?  I said you put out the invitation, they are just RSVP'ing.   He cleaned up, and vacuumed (after many reminders).  I moved the couch and found more (the couch he hangs out on and eats).  Vacuumed  once again, and had him vacuum under the couch cushions (why give them more opportunities). 

Tonight he is sleeping over at a friend's house.  Probably a good thing for both of us. 

Me?  I'm relaxing by making oatmeal raisin cookies.

By the way, nothing like a man working the vacuum cleaner.  RT was vacuuming for me tonight.  Phew! (fanning myself)  HOT!  That's all I can say.

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