Thursday, October 30, 2014

Scary Journey's Halloween Pony Tail Craft with Brownie Troop

At our Brownie meeting, we celebrated Juliette Gordon Low's birthday.  We read the interactive poem about JGL (the girls love doing it).  Click here to get the poem.  We also decided to do the other poem out there (we cut it short and didn't have them sing the entire verse of "London Bridge, just the first line)  You can find that one here.  We even sang "Happy Birthday" to JGL and had cupcakes.

We decided to have the girls do a little craft at our meeting.  We picked something simple yet very useful (well, at least for our girls), a Halloween ribbon pony tail.

These are so easy to make.  I'm sorry I didn't take pictures of supplies or the process, but, I promise it's pretty easy.  I'm sure if you do a search, you can get pretty pictures.  If not, this is really easy

What you need: 
Pony tail (we chose black to go with Halloween colors)
ribbon (we used orange and black for Halloween)

Cut ribbon into 7 or 8" pieces.  We did this prior to the meeting and just handed out the supplies to the girls.   We gave each girl about eight ribbons of each color.  They might or might not use all of them.  My daughter used all of them (as you can see from the picture).  Some girls put on half of them and decided that was enough for them.

OK.  Once each child has their pony tail and ribbon it's time to get started.  Take one piece of ribbon, put one end in pony tail and make sure that the ends are equal and start to tie a knot (the first step in tying your shoe).  You can stop at that, or tie a second knot.  I think most girls tied a second knot. Next, take another ribbon and do the same thing, making sure that the knot is next to the first one (well, it can be anywhere on the pony, you don't want it on top of the first knot).  Most of the girls did a pattern with their ribbon (orange, black, orange, black).  We included one ribbon per girl that was black and had "Boo!" on it.

The ribbon colors can be adjusted and coordinated with any holiday.  Red/green for Christmas, red/white, red/pink, pink/purple for Valentines day, etc.  You can even use three colors.  Use your imagination.  :)

Pretty simple.  Once the girls completed the pony tail, they put it on.
Quick and easy (and useful)!

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