Monday, October 14, 2019

Taking off in a New Direction

No.  That title is not referring to a new boy band (Does anybody remember the band, One Direction?)

And, no.  My blog is not going in a different direction.  It will always be a scary journey inside my life.  I don't think there's any way to change my scary life blog.

Many of you know that I currently work in a toy store.  If you have been following for awhile, you know I have posted a few scary stories about the fun that I have at work  my job.  Remember Dumpster Diving?  Or, making ice cream at work?  And then I made moon dough?  You also probably remember me saying at the end of each post how I really need to find a new job.

Well, I finally went out and did just that...  Found myself a new job!

It took a little while to find the perfect job.  I tried to be patient during the job search process.  My list for the perfect job was:  closer to home, decent pay and weekday daytime hours (so I can be home when the young child gets home from school).  Apparently, that's a lot to ask for in a job.  Most companies want you there all day or there are some night or weekend hours that go along with the job.  It did get to a point where I thought I would be stuck here in this job forever.

One day, I was out goofing around  shopping and as I was walking out of one of my favorite stores, I saw a sign.  "Now hiring.  Weekday days."  I really thought this was too good to be true.  I quickly grabbed my phone, snapped a picture and went home and applied.  Within a day or so, I got an interview and was hired.

Turning in my resignation was pretty hard for me.  I worked at the toy store for 6 years and a lot of the people there have become like family.   I do know that this new job will a better fit for me in the long run.  The commute is a lot shorter, I get a discount, and, I'll get to spend more time with my family.

The next couple of weeks will be a little crazy for me as I transition.  I'll do my best to keep things normal around here for you.  Thanks for sticking with me.

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