Friday, October 25, 2019

Kids Bop

For those of you who don't know, Kids Bop is children singing contemporary songs.  They sing popular songs that get heavy radio play and/or the songs that have made the Billboard Hot 100 list of songs.  The lyrics are modified so they are much more "kid friendly," taking out profanity and sexual references.  Although, some times with these modifications, the songs lose their meaning (and they don't make sense).

I've listened to more than my share  a lot of Kids Bop music during my time at the toy store.  It isn't bad when you like the song.  Unfortunately, some of the Kids Bop songs are played over and over (and over and over) to the point where you end up hating that song.  That's bad, especially if the song is still popular on the radio.  It's also bad, because I know I am going to have to hear it a million  hundred times during my next shift.  If I work on the weekend, it's long shifts and log hours of listening to Kids Bop.

The shifts I have been scheduled to work for the last couple of months have all been nights, so, unfortunately, got to hear the same songs on the overhead store speaker every time I came in to work.  It finally reached the point of me, turning off the overhead music when it got to certain annoying songs.  My coworkers laughed, but, I know deep down, they were grateful that I turned off the music.  Well, honestly, they didn't want me to ask them to sing or to hear me sing along with those songs.

My last shift is another evening shift.  So, tonight I will be listening to the same Kids Bop songs I've heard for the last two months (pray for me).  I will do my best to try and enjoy them one last time.  At my new job, they play real  normal  music.

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