Saturday, October 26, 2019

National Make A Difference Day

It's National Make a Difference Day!

This day was created in 1992 and is the largest national day of community service.  A celebration of neighbors helping neighbors.  USA Weekend Magazine started this day.  They stressed how society has evolved by people's actions over the years.  They challenged readers to go out and help others in their community.  You might think that you aren't making a difference, but, just your one action creates a domino effect of others doing the same (helping others) and over time it will have an effect on society in the years to come.  The magazine is no longer around, but, their idea to help the community and make a difference lives on.

Community service is when someone or a group of people do an activity or service that benefits their community or other people or a charity.  It's a great way for a person to give back to their community.

Maybe there is an area in your neighborhood that need some work.  Maybe it's an elderly neighbor who could use help fixing up their home (painting, yard work, etc.).  Maybe it's your local animal shelter or a senior center.  You can even help by donating to a charity.

Today is a great day to give back.  Doing something for others always makes you feel good about yourself.  Helping others is a great way to help yourself.  Helping others, or doing a good deed for another person creates a ripple effect.  Others see you help someone and decide to do the same.  Maybe the person that you are helping feels blessed and they go on to help another person.  You might not witness this ripple like effect personally, but, do know that your kind act will lead to many other good deeds performed by others.

How will you celebrate Make a Difference Day?

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