Friday, October 11, 2019


Yep.  You guessed it.  I'm at the car dealler once again.  If you're new here, search golf on my blog and you will see millions  thousands  many posts on the subject.  Every time I visit the car dealer (which is quite often), there always seems to be a golf game or golf tournament on the television in the waiting room.  There are a lot of posts because my car is a lemon  needs to visit the junk yard  likes to visit the car dealer frequently.

My car has had millions  numerous problems.  One of the main problems has been with the emissions.  I believe with the car company's attempt to "fix" this problem, it has created numerous other issues.  Add in the recalls and, well, there you have it.  The reason for my very own, personalized chair in the car dealership waiting room (I'm sure you are very jealous).

You would think that as a preferred customer, with my own personalized seat, I would be able to dictate or at least have a say in what is playing on the television in the waiting room.  Of course, if I did have the authority to decide what to watch, I don't think I could pick a show.

What's on television during the day?

Bad talk shows.  Game shows.  More bad talk shows.  Soap operas (are they still on television or did they all end  up living happily ever after?).  Even more bad talk shows.  News shows.  Some more bad talk shows.  Oh, and even more bad talk shows.  Hey!  Golf!  That looks interesting!  Why don't we watch people play golf?

Okay.  I feel better.  I got to have my say on what we watch here at the dealer.  Maybe I can get everyone here to write a guest post for the blog.  They can write their reviews on watching golf tournaments.  I'm sure their posts would be really interesting to read.

Three hours in this nightmare  here today.  I think they are going to offer me a job here and start paying me for these visits.

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