Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I'll clean up tonight

I love those words.  When someone says they will clean up for you that means you get a little extra free time.

Sometimes those words are said to me after dinner (not too often).  Now, don't get me wrong, I appreciate any and all help.  Especially when it comes to kitchen clean up.  Preparing, serving and cleaning up (after) a meal is a lot of work especially if it was a fancy meal that took awhile to prepare.  Or, maybe you are making two meals - one meal without meat.

I have found that "clean up" means different things to different people.

"Clean up" to me means physically cleaning up the kitchen.  This includes putting leftovers (or other food products) away, dirty dishes in the dishwasher, washing items that do not go into the dishwasher and wiping down the table and counters.  Leaving the sink and counter free of dirty dishes.

Unfortunately, "clean up does not mean that to "some" people I know.

"Some" people think that "clean up" is when you put most of the food products away, some dishes in the dishwasher and leaving the rest (rinsed) and in the sink or on the counter by the sink.  Oh, if you rinse everything, that is equal to "cleaning up."

Nothing like waking up the next morning (or coming back into the kitchen right before bed) and finding a bunch of dirty dishes waiting for you to wash them.

If you are like me, then you start washing them.  I don't like to be greeted by dirty dishes first thing in the morning.  I don't mind if they are in the dish drain (drain rack?) then I can just put them away in the morning or right before I go to bed.  But, to see a big pile of dirty dishes in the sink?  Ugh.  I can't go to bed.  I won't want to wake up in the morning!  (I might not even sleep!)

So, to clear things up, the words, "I'll clean up tonight" means that you will put all the food away, all the dishes will be put into the dishwasher or washed by hand.  (feel free to dry them and put them away, too)

Thanks for doing that for me.  I'll be sitting on the couch with my feet up writing my next blog post.  :)

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