Monday, August 26, 2013

The time has come. 

My stint as a stay at home mom has come to an end. 

It has been challenging at times.  There were times I thought everything and everyone (meaning the little ones) were against me.  But, I survived.  It's been a lot of fun.  Now it's time to move on and get a (monetary paying) job. *

*I  believe Motherhood is a well paid job.  Love and hugs from your child are your pay. 

Let's face it. This blogging gig of mine is fun, but, unfortunately, it isn't paying the bills. (don't worry, I can't give this up, it helps get all of the scary stuff out of my brain) 

Do you know anyone that is hiring?   Does anyone out there hire moms who have been at home for a long time?

The hard part is now just beginning.  Now I have to fill out applications for jobs.  Not an easy thing to do when you have been hanging at home for the last, oh, say, sixteen years? 

Some of my time has been doing some work (other than Mom work). 

For four of those (at home) years I was running an online ecommerce business.  Then, a couple years before that I also did some scheduling for RT's business (I would say a year, maybe two of working).  Oh, and let's not forget my two days that I worked at the flower shop. (they needed some help during Valentine's Day and I thought it would be fun to help out....and it was)  Hey, How about volunteer work?  I have been helping out at the school's library for a couple of years.  (I guess I have done some outside work during my "Mom" time)

 I haven't been on an interview for awhile. 

Interviewer:  "So, what have you done for the last sixteen years?"

Me:  (pulls out photo albums of my three children)

Yea, I won't do that.  I promise.  I'll just put them all on my phone.  A lot easier to carry.  :)

Well, I guess I have to get rid of my fear and get out there and give it a shot.  I'm sure I'm not the first mom that went back to work after staying home for awhile. 

Wish me luck.

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