Friday, August 9, 2013


So, as I am lying awake in bed in the middle of the night, I started thinking about a person's memory.
Yea, I know.  I can't sleep and I think about the strangest things.

Anyway, back to my memory musings. 

Some people have good memories. They can remember everything. Pick a day and they can tell you what they did that day, what they wore, the weather, etc.  They remember events (when they happened, who was there).  They remember conversations they've had and the details that were discussed. 

Then, there's the bad memory people. Not remembering birthdays, anniversaries, special events, what you had for dinner last Tuesday, if you closed the garage door.  You get the picture. 

I think I'm a combination of the good memory and bad memory. I can remember people's birthdays that I went to kindergarten with (not just you, Patti) but I can't remember what I made for dinner last night. (Well, with a little thought I can figure it out).  I can remember the weather on Nicks 2nd birthday (68F on December 2) but I can't remember that extra item to get at the store that I didn't have time to write down before I left the house. 

Yea, I was also wondering why I was thinking about this at 3AM. 

I don't have an answer. Maybe that will have to be one of my next midnight musing topics.  

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