Monday, September 5, 2016

Last Fling at the Pool

Glad we could spend some quality (sunny and warm) days at the pool this weekend. 

Always a sad time of year when the pool closes.  I'm not ready for fall, are you?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I'm more than ready for fall! All summer, every day, except one day (ONE!), has been hot and humid.

    Unlike some people I can mention (my husband - he loved this summer), I hate to sweat. I'd pick hot tub over sauna any day.

    And, of course, I pick this summer (THIS MISERABLE SUMMER - the past five summers here were quite pleasant, but I didn't pick any of those summers) to start a job where I walk in and out all day. I'm not out long, just long enough to build up a good sweat and frizz out the hair. It's been awful, just awful. So, yeah, I'm ready for fall.

    And also, with all the rain this summer (bringing all this wonderful humidity), the colors should be fabulous this fall. I can't wait to see my new property - with all the old maples and oaks - change color.

    So, yeah, you might say I'm ready for fall.
