Friday, September 16, 2016

The Goose Whisperer

As you know, I walk everyday.  Sometimes there are geese that hang out along the trails.  They can be mean at times.  Then, there are times where they nicely move out of the way for you.  During all of my walking adventures, I picked up on how to politely get the geese to move out of the way.

I start clapping.

I probably look like a crazy fool, walking real fast and clapping my hands (I just created a really funny visual in your head, didn't I?), but, hey, it works!

Once the geese move out of the way and I walk by, I politely say, "Thank you."  Yea, I think I'm losing it.  I'm now talking to the geese on the path.

If you try the clapping with the geese, let me know how it works for you.  A funny visual for me would be greatly appreciated.  ha!

1 comment:

  1. When I go to feed the chickens, I'm usually surrounded by chickens jumping and pecking at me for food. I tried the hand clapping, and it worked with most of them. Some won't let anything stop them from a possible meal.
