Thursday, September 29, 2016

Almost Outta Gas

On mornings that I have to work and Nick is home (no work or school), I have to move his car.  I find it interesting to watch how his gas gauge changes daily.  It tells you how many miles until empty. Some days there's 180 miles until empty while other days there are only 38 miles.  I sure hope his gauge is correct. Running out of gas isn't fun. The gauge on his car varies and is sometimes related to when payday is or maybe whether he really needs gas in the car.

The other day I hopped in his car, started it up and put it in reverse when I noticed that the gas gauge said, "6 miles to empty."

Yes.  6 miles.

Thankfully our driveway isn't that long. I was afraid I was going to run out of gas while I was moving his car. 

"I'm sorry I'm late for work.  My son's car ran out of the driveway."

Good thing there's a gas station a few blocks from our house.

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