Thursday, September 15, 2016

Late Arrival

Once a month the high school lets the kids sleep in. They call it, "Late Arrival."  Normally the bus picks up the high schoolers around 6:30am, getting them to school around 6:45am. I guess I should mention that school doesn't begin until 7:45am.


Yes.  They sit around at the school for an hour, socializing, and waiting for their first period class to start.  Why don't they start right away?  I don't know the answer to that question. I think it's something to do with teen torture. Oh. I should mention that they don't get home until 3:45. That's an hour after the elementary kids get home. So if you want them to watch the younger sibs, well, they can't because they are still at school. 

But, that's another topic for another day. 

So, with Late Arrival, the bus comes to pick up the students one hour and forty five minutes after their normal bus pick up time (for those of you not so good at math that's roughly 8:15am). 

The boys enjoy that one day that they get to sleep in (well, it's just Alex now in high school). In fact, they look forward to it. Unfortunately, someone always ruins it for them.  This "someone" thinks that they missed the bus so she goes yelling through the house to wake them up. They usually have to tell her that it's "Late Arrival " and they don't have to get up just yet. This usually happens several months in a row until the child finally tells this "someone" the night before, not to wake them tomorrow because it's Late Arrival.  (Even then, "someone" somehow forgets and is there yelling and waking up the whole house)

Yesterday was the first Late Arrival for the year and, well, "someone" forgot. When she realized her mistake, she wrote down all of the Late Arrival dates in the calendar, making sure to put a bright color around that date so it stands out (hoping that it helps). 

Let's see how many months it takes "someone" to figure it out this year.