Monday, March 11, 2013

Put a little gas in the car

I have been keeping track of the mileage on my car.  I'm not doing this as some sort of game or for fun.  I am doing it to keep track of how many miles are put on my car by other drivers.  Well, one in particular.  The one that drives my car around for fun (sometimes for work), doesn't put any gas in my car.  The one who just got his license, to be exact.

I mentioned just awhile ago in another post about how I like to keep my gas tank filled half way or more.  I had my talk with Nick and told him the story about filling the tank up after he uses the car.  I didn't ask him to fill the tank, just put in ten to twenty dollars.  It's not something he has to do all of the time.  Just once in awhile.  I notice that he will ask to drive a car for awhile, then, all of a sudden, he wants to drive the other car.  Why?  Because there isn't enough gas in the car he was driving.  (yea, I'm onto his little game)

I was telling RT about it and how I don't like getting in my car, knowing I just filled the tank with gas a couple days ago and did not drive very much, and finding it on E (empty) with 45 miles left in the tank.  (that happened again today, by the way)  RT said, well, now you know why I don't fill up my tank.  I didn't want to bring up the past and say that the gas tank on his car has always been on E, even before kids.  I went easy on him...this time. 

I am taking a new approach and only putting the necessary amount of gas in the tank that I will use.  I went a little overboard today (my first day of starting this project) and put in too much.  Too much means over 100 miles worth in the tank.  The kids have a three day school week and I know I will be asked for the car by Wednesday afternoon.  I am going to have to plan my errands out, leaving enough gas for conferences on Thursday and Friday.

Wish me luck.


  1. Good luck... maybe he should pay you to 'rent' the car? $10 a day.

    1. I like the idea of renting the car. I'm still going to keep the gas amount low in the car, though. He is a gas hog. He borrowed the car yesterday. I told him the mileage to empty (he said that he returned the car with 60 miles to empty and that RT used up the all the gas in my car) (RT doesn't use my car) Nick came back with the car and said that he put 1 (yes, one) gallon of gas in the car.
