Sunday, March 31, 2013


I have this problem with hiccups. If I get the hiccups, I will have them for a LONG time (we are talking a minimum 30 minutes). Because of this, I try not to get the hiccups.

Unfortunately, Nick is the same way. When I was pregnant with him, he had the hiccups ALL the time. One time when he was a baby, RT was recording Nick and he (Nick) got the hiccups. It got to the point where Nick would do an angry cry between hiccups

Alex is lucky.  He doesn't have a hiccup problem.

Then there is Bella. If Bella laughs too much, she gets the hiccups. At night, after I read to her and am saying good night, I try not to say anything funny (something that can prove to be quite difficult for me) so she doesn't get the hiccups. It's hard to fall asleep when you have the hiccups.

Last night, Bella and RT were telling me about a funny part in the movie, "The Croods."  Yea, they went to see the movie without me and I was the one who mentioned that I wanted to see it. Anyway, Bella starts telling me about the scene with the dog rolling over and she starts laughing. She makes it through the story.  When she finishes up she gets the hiccups.

 Bella was still laughing about the scene.  The more she laughed, the more she hiccuped.

I couldn't stop laughing because Bella was laughing and hiccupping.

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