Monday, March 4, 2013


Am I the only adult that still gets excited about their birthday?

About one month before the big day I start mentioning it to everyone.

"Only one month until my birthday."
"My birthday is three weeks from today."
"Can you believe that my birthday is in one week?"

It's great when you have little ones because they are just as excited as you.  Bella has been looking forward to this day also.  Well, she has been keeping up with the birthday countdown updates. 

Rule number one: 

Always make sure that everyone is in the room when making your birthday countdown update.

How can you not feel special on your birthday?  This is your day!  It's like the world revolves around you for one day out of the year.  You can go about your day doing what you would normally do but today is different.  Today is your day.  So, while you are doing those normal, boring everyday things, you feel extra special because it's your birthday.

Sometimes the weather plays a major role in my birthday.  Some years I want it to snow and the weather cooperates.  Some years I want it really warm out.  One year it was in the 70's for my birthday.  Today, there's snow on the ground and there is a chance of snow, which would really make my day.

Nothing major is planned for my big day.  I go about my day as usual, except for the fact that it is my birthday.  I make a cake for myself (today it's Red Velvet Chocolate Chip Cupcakes....YUM!)  and whatever I want for dinner.  (What?  Do you think someone else will do all of this for me?)  I'm sure I will clean and throw in some laundry.  Very exciting, I know.  But, I will have the birthday halo while I am folding clothes and, especially when I am scrubbing the toilet.  :)

I try to stretch my birthday out as far as I can.  It's a little difficult when we have so many birthdays in the month of March.  Not good planning on my part.  RT steals the day from me on Wednesday, so, I have to make the most of today.

Which reminds me....

I have to go. 

The day is waiting for me.