Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Blog Posting

My best time to write my blog post (and the time when I get all of my ideas) is while laying in bed at night right before I fall asleep.  Another great time is in the middle of the night and I can't sleep.

I am able to come up with a post title and beautifully compose the entire post with lots of details.  My only problem is that I fall asleep.  When I wake up I forget everything I wanted to write.  Sometimes I even forget I had the idea for a post.

I might have to come up with a way to write my post at night without waking up RT. 

I have a flashlight, I just need a pad of paper and a pen.


  1. Replies
    1. That or leave my phone on so I can type it on memo (that's how I usually type some posts when I am away from a computer).
