Thursday, January 17, 2013

Tough Questions for Parents

I answer all questions that are posed to me by my children and I've had some doozies.  Is that even a word?  I don't usually use it, it just came out while I was typing. 

Anyway, I don't get all flustered.  I give honest answers.  I don't run away or make up an answer.  If I don't know the answer then I tell them (that I don't know) and we find the answer out together. 
I have been asked about the human body (various parts and their names), reproduction (yea, good ole sex questions), breastfeeding, and child birth. < that was my oldest and he was 3.  (Yea, I know.  This parenting thing can be scary) 

Last night, Bella just asked me about God.  She wanted to know what God is made of and who made God?   Also, who are God's parents?  and, what is God? <not sure if that is supposed to mean what is he made of or what nationality is God?

You're probably awaiting my response.  Sorry to say that I'm not going to share it.  I'm going to turn this all around on to you. 

What would your answer have been to your child?


  1. I'd probably say something like "God is everything and nothing." Yes, I drive my children crazy.

    I'm dying, though, what did you tell her???

    1. I told her that God does not have parents. That he made us and everything in the world (and beyond). I don't know what he is made of (and I use "he" not knowing if he is a he, I'm just using the word "he" in general terms). He might be a person or a spirit. I don't know what he looks like. Hmm..I don't know what else I said?
