Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Things you never thought you would say..

Until you became a parent.

Remember those carefree days before parenthood?  Where you had lots and lots of time to do things?  You had plenty of time to sleep.  You even had time to think. That thinking part came in handy when you wanted to say something to another person.  You could mull it over in your mind making sure it sounds just right before you put the word(s) out there for all to hear.

When you become a parent, some words just flow out of your mouth.  The words move so quickly that you do not have time to think about them or how they will sound once out in the open air.

 People without children have time to think, "How will these words sound once they are out there in the open?"  As a parent, there is no thinking allowed. You don't have time to think!  Especially during some interesting "parenting moments."   You parents know what I'm talking about.  Those moments in time that you never thought would happen to you.  Here you are in this situation and you have to react by saying something.  You don't have time to think it through so you just say it.  Sometimes these words become habits and you begin to say them all the time. 

I thought I would share a few of my favorites.  I have quite a few and am sure that this will be a post that you might see more than once.

Shall we begin?

Do you have to go potty?
       *this is so common that you begin to say this to other adults
Pee pee or poo poo?
      *pretty self explanatory
Wash your hands.......with soap!
      *yes, sometimes you have to make sure you spell everything out
Don't lick that
       *and yes, he did lick it (the mirror in a department store)
Don't forget to wipe.
        *hey, sometimes you get in there and with all of the excitement, you forget!
Did you wipe?
       *see the comment above for "Don't forget to wipe"

And, my kids favorite line that I use.  This is said when they are fighting with each other.  Wrestling is involved.  One of them will yell, "He's killing me!  He's killing me!"  My (sympathetic, loving,  motherly) reply?

"If you're going to kill him, can you do it a little quieter?"

Do you have any favorite words (sayings) you like to use?

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