Friday, May 4, 2012

Went out for Sushi Lunch yesterday.  Yum!  RT and I had a little lunch date.  It's nice using school as the babysitter. 

 I love how they make your meal look so appetizing! 

  Yes, I had to take a picture

That was the nice part of the day. 

I got a call from school that Bella had a low grade fever and was complaining that her ear hurt .  Oh, joy.  Off I went to school to get her.  I brought her home and she was just miserable.  So, off to the doctor we went to find out she has an ear infection (her first).  Not full blown, just beginning.    When Bella is sick and miserable, she lets everyone know about how she feels.  

Here's to hoping that rest will make her (and myself) feel better today.