Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Mindless Ramblings

I cut a few lilacs for the house.  They smell so good!  I wish you could scratch and sniff the picture.  I put them in the kitchen and the entire house smells like lilacs!

It's probably a lot better smell than what the dog has been producing today.  Even Bella noticed and quickly put him outside.  She does have a way of letting everyone around know what happened.  I'm sure the neighbors heard about Newton and his....problems.  She definitely isn't a quiet child. 

I think I need a new pair of socks, what do you think?

I wonder how many times you have to say something in order to get your child to understand that you have answered his question with the same answer, over and over again.  This goes along with how many times do you have to ask your child to do something to get them to do it?   I'm thinking this is a little of that pre-teen stuff.  Although, I do not remember Nick doing this routine.  Maybe my memory fails me or maybe I'm just blocking this out on purpose.  I found a cartoon that sums up the whole situation.

Nick came through and did the chore that was asked to be done.  Of course it came with a price.  Lunch money for tomorrow.  (hey, it was worth it)