Friday, May 4, 2012

Wish List

I took Bella to Target the other day.  It was a quick trip for a birthday gift.  I explained all of this before we got into the store.  That there would be no extra purchases for her and that we didn't have time to shop and look at everything.  (I mean, how can you go into a store and not look at everything, mom?  What's wrong with you?)  She understood the ground rules and we headed into the store.

Like I said, this was a quick trip.  I found something right away (that usually NEVER happens) and we started to head out.  I did stop by the paint aisle and picked up some watercolors for her (she loves to paint and is out of paint).  It was also less than a dollar. 

We get to the register and Bella tells me that she has to get something.  I remind her that we are there for the birthday gift and that she is getting some paint and we have to leave to pick up her brother.  Bella then goes into this long commentary about how I (yes, me, the mom) ALWAYS gets stuff and that she never gets anything.  I then show Bella the things we are buying.  The gift for a friend and paints for her.  That's it.  Nothing else.  We don't always buy things for ourselves.  (And by that I mean the fun stuff, like toys)

Bella was about to start complaining, or crabbing and I said, your going to have to talk to Dad about all of this, we have to get going. 

I didn't think she would remember this conversation.  Yesterday, Bella wasn't feeling well.  After the Doctor's appointment, and after she took her medicine she asked RT to take her to Target.  He told her that she's sick.  Bella insisted she felt better.  RT said to me, she's sick and she still feels like shopping!  (that's girls for you)

Today Bella made a painting for RT.  I thoroughly enjoyed it and thought I would share it with you.  I will translate for you:

I love you Daddy.  I wish I could go to Target.  Love, Bella

All I can say is, She's trying!  She's going to try her best to work him over and get what she wants.  I think she even has a list of things that she wants to buy.  I didn't coach her on any of this, by the way.  I do make lists for things I need to get at the store.  I don't have any toys on my lists, tho.  I think Bella is trying to see if she can wrap RT around her little finger.  I don't think it's going to work, but, hey, she's trying!